Chapter 11

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Enchantress slowly started to get up with a bit of a stagger as we walked closer to her. "My spell is complete. Once you and your armies are gone, my darkness will spread across this world. And it will be mine to rule."She smiled and turned back to her spell vortex of doom. She add so much more power to it that it started to push us back. I dough my claws into the tiled flooring so I wouldn't be thrown against anything as the presser of the vortex increased as what appeared to be lightning flying out from it every so often. "Tell me you got some sort of plain here Flag!" I yelled at the man as I allowed myself to slid farther back were the others were. "We Gotta cut her heart out!" He yelled over the winds.

Once those words came out of his mouth the witch turned back to us eyes glowing orange for a split second. I glanced back at Diablo for a moment still worried about him. He was still pretty banded up from the fight between him and the witch's brother, to where it looked like he would most likely have to sit out for the rest of the battle. I shook my head 'Worry about him latter. Gotta focus on her or else I'm dead.' This is the first time in years that I had to watched other peoples backs. It has always been just keeping myself alive and it didn't matter if anyone else did.

The witch suddenly disappeared then was behind Deadshot and flinged him across the room like he was nothing. I pulled out my twin daggers and sounded them with ice to make them longer and more jagged. Everyone else joined in on the fighting to, but she just kept dodging them until Katana sliced her with her blade. She drifted away in wind of ashes, tho I knew she was still here. I could feel her power radiating off of her but I couldn't tell from were. "While we're fighting, that thing's laying waste to the whole damn world" Flag yelled at us in aggravation. "Yeah?! Well were the hell is she!? I can't see, hear, or smell her!" I yelled back just the same as he did. "I don't know!" Harley yelled while spinning in circles. I smelled her blood lust coming off from where she originally cast the spell to see her standing up with 2 duel swords. "Found her" I answered gaining everyone's attention.

She disappeared again. "Where is she now?" I growled and saw her jump above Deadshot "Look out!" I warned to him since I was to far away to push him out of the way. He blocked her just in time as everyone started to land a few good hits on her as I was able to land a solid kick to her side pushing her towards Harley. She waked her on the head with her bat but did nothing to faze the witch "Uh-oh. Sorry" Was all Harley got to say as she was sent flying backward. Me and Boomerang lunged at her simultaneously to which she block and push us back. I saw her aiming for Flag. "Flag!" I ran infront to block but all I got was a solid hit to the gut which pushed me back.I started to cough to try and get air back into my lungs but all that can out was blood trickling down my pale cracked lips. I wiped it off with the back of my arm which stood out well on my ivory scared skin.

I looked back just in time to see Croc through her off of Boomerang but evaporated out of his hands and back onto her alter. "Enough!" she took all of our weapons out of our hands as we lined up to see her. "All of who have faced me, you have earned mercy. For the last time, join me or die." 'Live or die. What have this world every done for me but take what I loved most! Or..' "I'm not much of a joiner, but maybe we should" Harley side interrupting my thoughts "She's trying to to take over the world" Deadshot said. I could tell Harley had enough "What has the world ever done for us anyway?! It hates us!" "Hey Harley!" She didn't listen she continued walking but hesitated and turned to me "Come on you killer child" She smiled down at me and ushered me forward "We can watch this world burn down together" Diablo who was right next to me grabbed my wrist "Don't do this" He looked down at me. I walked towards Harley and out of Diablo's grasp and held Harley's hand she smiled down at me and lifted her free hand to shield her eyes as she looked to Enchantress. "Hey, lady? Um.. I lost my pudden'. You can get it back for me right?" she asked and rain started to run down her face "I can my dear." She turned to me "And what about you my child?" I looked up to meet her glowing eyes "I want my Mother's locket (pic at the top). The one my brother had" my brother always kept her locket with him every since she died, but it was lost on the day he was killed. He promised me on my tenth birthday he would pass it onto me, but he never got the chance to. She smiled down at me, at least I think it was a smile "Anything you want my children" she said as she descended towards us "Promise?" Harley asked "You need only bow, and serve beneath my feet." 'Your about out of time' I thought as she stepped forward "I like what you're sellin' lady" Harley said not breaking eye contacted "But there seems to be a little problem." I said as Harley puled me down as her fingers grazed Katana's sword as I let my nails sharpen to deadly claws. "you messed with our fiends!" Harley sliced her chest open allowing me to used my claws to rip out her heart. I could hear the others around me yelling something but I didn't bother to listen I was to busy staring down the dying witch, until I heard Deadshot "Harley! Shadow!" I turned to see Harley toss her pistil to Deadshot. As I looked farther down I could see Croc through was seemed to be a bomb as Deadshot aimed the gun at the explosive. Deadshot seemed to hesitate for a moment until he let out a battle cry and shot right at the bomb as Enchantress reached for it to try and stop it only for it to be in vain. Once it blew up Harley pushed be to a nearby bench and tried to shield be form the free falling debris. Once it was over I ran to the him and to see Enchantress trying to get up.

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