Chapter 9

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As I walked into the bar it could tell that it was deserted a few hours ago by the looks of it. It was dark and musty with a good sized fish tank on the far right side of the wall as I walked in. I look in front to see Harley was already behind the counter making her drink with everyone but Croc sitting at the bar on a stool. I slowly walked up to the bar and sat my but on the stool between Deadshot and Diablo with my chin on top of my crossed arms. "What ya having, K.C?" I raised my head to Harley's voice who was talking to Croc who grunted in return and continued to look at the fish in the tank. "Bloody Mary, right?" Deadshot answered. After a short moment of silence I was about to turn back around until he answered. "Drinks dulls the mind." he said through clenched teeth. "Come on K.C.! It's the end of the world! Have a drink with us" Harley said with what looked like an almost genuine smile. Croc seamed to think for a minute before grumbling 'beer'. "There your go. Give the man a beer." Boomerang said casually while drinking his cola. I looked forward again to see Harley set down a beer for Croc and two martinis. I remember having one, one time and it was pretty good to some existent and I reached over to grab one of the martinis. Once I got it into my hand it was pushed to the table and the drink was snatched away. I looked to see that Diablo was the one to pin my wrist and Deadshot snatched the drink "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What do you think you're doing" Deadshot asked and before I could open my mouth to answer Diablo piped in too while letting go of my wrist "You are way to young to be drinking that!" I rubbed my wrist a little "What it's not like I haven't had one before and I was going to put a tablet into it anyways" I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and reached into one of the small flaps on the bag strapped to my hips and thigh and pulled out a small purple tablet out and showed them.

 I looked to see that Diablo was the one to pin my wrist and Deadshot snatched the drink "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What do you think you're doing" Deadshot asked and before I could open my mouth to answer Diablo piped in too while letting go of my wrist ...

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"You know I like you more and More!" Harley said with a big smile and rested her elbows on the counter and leaned over swiping the tablet out of my fingers and lifted up in front of her face and looked at it in awe like a little kid with a 20$ bill. "Now what do you mean you had a martini before? You're only 15!" Diablo said and Deadshot closed his mouth like he just took the words right out of it. I simply shrugged and took back the tablet and put it into one of the martinis "I was on an under cover assassination and have to go to a bar and kill a stupid rich guy. So I had to drink some alcohol or I'd look suspicious. And the tablet it to kill most of the alcohol and relax the muscles a bit." I said as the pill was done dissolving and took a sip. Deadshot and Diablo shook their heads and both muttered something about me being still to young to drink. I shrugged it off as Harley turned her attention to Diablo. "How about you, hot stuff?" she asked and looked towards Diablo.

Diablo rubbed his hand and over his fist anxiously "Water" he said simply "That's a good idea, honey" she said pointed a finger while filling up a glass of water for him. "Ninja?" she asked Katana with out looking up. "You want some sake?" I was about to crack a smile at what she said. "Whiskey" she answered quietly Harley's eyes widened a bit and nodded her head "Whiskey.....okay" she mumbled as she turned around to get the kunoichi her drink. "What am I 12?" Deadshot said pointing to the shot glass and slammed it down with a good bang. Once she refiled it I was almost done with my drink as Deadshot lifted up his newly filed shot glass. "Here's to honor among thieves." he said and looked in my direction with Katana in between me and him "I'm not a thief" she mumbled and walked away "Oh, she's not a thief" Deadshot halved mouth and halved whispered to the rest of us. We all nodded and raised our glasses a little and I chugged what was left of my drink down. "I actually prefer to think of myself as an asset relocation specialist" Boomerang said after talking a drink from his soda. "Hmm. Well we almost pulled it off. Despite what everyone thought." Deadshot said as he looked at us and I thought he looked at me for a second longer then the rest but brushed it off as nothing. "We weren't picked to succeed. You know that right? We were all chosen to fail." Diablo said and looked right at him but Deadshot kept his head down. "Yeah, I know that. Worst part of it is, they're going to blame us for the whole thing.-" "Of course they are. The very thought that one of the 'good guys' could have tried but failed to save them would break their fragile hearts." I said with air quotes around 'good guys' all the while rolling my eyes at the oblivious civilians. Deadshot nodded in agreement and continued "Yeah, they can't have people knowing the truth." everyone nodded in agreement as he continued with his little speech "We're the patsies. The cover-up. Don't forget. We're the bad guys." he finished and looked at me then back in front and gulped down the shot he had left and set it down.

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