Chapter 4

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"You're late" Flag stated and turned to the woman. "Yo gata" (I was busy) she answered and turned to look at the rest of us. I saw a flicker of confusion cross her eyes when they landed on me but quickly covered it and tuned to Flag. "This is Katana. Shes got my back, She can cut all of you in half with one sword stroke just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by her, her sword traps the souls of its victims." Harley reached her hand across me and to Katana "Harley Quinn nice to 'mech ya! Love your perfume what is that? The stench of Death?" She asked with a stupid grin on her face and started to laugh. "Korosca?" (Should I kill them?) Katana pulled out her sword ready to kill us and I just had a smile on my face knowing she wasn't aloud to kill us....well at lest not yet anyways. Flag stopped her "Whoa, easy cowgirl it's not that kind of a mission. Now take a seat."

But before she took a seat she tuned to look at me and I had a confused look on my face. "Kanojo wa daredesu ka?" (Who is she?) Before Flag could answer I did "Do you want to know my real name or my code name?" Everyone looked at me confused as to how I could understand her. I looked at all of them "I had to learn different languages and a good thing to! If I didn't I probably would be dead by now!" I did a closed eye smile and rubbed the back of my head.

"Dochira mo" (Both) I nodded "Well my code name is Darkshadow and my real name is Spade Nightwood" Her eyes widened just like ever one elses reaction when the first found out that I what 'The' Darkshadow but covered it and sat down. "Well she seams nice" Harley said and tuned to her right with a big smile.

The copter rise of the ground and into the air with some jerking and I just got comfy waiting to what was sure to be a long ride.

We started for fly over a city with black smoke spewing out of the tall buildings and fire everywhere. I heard a 'bing' going off witch was coming from my right side which was the side Harley was on. I look down to see her phone 'Now how in the world did she get that in here! I wish I had a phone, I could relay use it if I needed to blow up something' I thought as a smile almost invisible smile came to my face.

It was a text with what looked like to be the pic. of the Joker which said 'I'm coming for you'. Harley looked up to see that me and Deadshot were looking at her phone to witch she quietly shushed to which we both nodded.

The pilot came over the intercom and told us that we have entered our destination. Harley and I turned in our seats to get a good view of where we were. "Oh! Look at the pretty lights! Are you guys seeing this!?" All I could do is nod my head as I was trying to figure out what it was. "So we're going to got to that?" I pointed at the ring of garbage in the air " Well this isn't so bad I've seen worse"

Deadshot just rolled his eyes at us and turned to Flag "What happened?" "Terro Attack" He responded "Dirty Bombs, Bad guys shooting up the place with Aks. You know usual shit." I turned to look at him "Yeah right. You know your a really bad liar." Deadshot nodded and piped up "I don't know if they told you, I'm a hit-man. Not a fireman. I don't save people-" "Anything for a dollar right?" Flag cut Deadshot off. This time I pipe in "Oh please, you know what that's like being in a dark place like that. Don't pretend you don't." "I'm a soldier. Your a cereal killer that takes credit cards" he points to Deadshot. He then turned to me "and you're just an assassin". I tilted my head cutely in mocking confusion and answered in a sweet voice "Yeah, I know. You didn't figure that out till now?" He just rolled his eyes at me and continued.

"When the shooting start, and it will, you'll cut and run." Deadshot and I just gave him a like 'really' look and I turned to look out the window.

All of a sudden bullets started to hit the air craft and Harley was screaming her head off. "Six-one is going down, repeat the Six-one is going down hard" the pilot said over the inter come. "Really you think so!?" I yelled back sarcastically while trying to brace myself for impact.

The helicopter hit the ground and started to roll and everyone was ether screaming or yelling (but I was only able to hear Harley's piercing shriek).

As the rolling stopped everyone got out and Harley just yelled "What a ride!" I nodded "Can we do that again sometime?" Flag just shook his head at me. Then he spoke into his speaker "It's okay, we're okay and the assets are undamaged."

I rolled my eyes at that as all the guards started to walk around with there guns up and ready to aim as the rest of us just walked normally. I saw Boomerang walking behind Slipknot and whispering to him about something. I didn't know what nor did I really care but hearing about what I've heard of him he will most likely try to convince Slipknot to try and escape to see if the bomb in our necks thing was real or just some sort of bluff. I know it's real already because they don't care if we live or die were just tools, it's not like it's unusual for me or something. It doesn't bother me, my life is of no value at all, never has and never will.

Just as we walked buy a burning helicopter Slipknot turned to punch the man behind him and Boomerang pulled out his 2 boomerangs as Katana released a battle cry and ran toward his with her sword out ready to kill him. He was able to trip her with his boomerang and ran. Just as he did this Slipknot pulled out his grappling hook and shot it at the top of the nearest building. Katana had her sword to Boomerang's neck and Slipknot started to elevate the building. The guards were about to shoot him if it weren't for Flag.

"Wait don't shoot yet. I got 'im." Just as Slipknot was about to jump to another building Flag pulled out the phone witch could kill us at any given moment. He clicked on Slipknot's pic. and you could see his head exploded and his now headless body handing form the building he was trying to escape with as I subconsciously rubbed the side of my neck were the bomb was planted.

"Now that's a killer app!" I nodded to show agreement with Harley. Flag ignored her and continued to speak "Okay. You want to keep playing the Hollywood Squares version of "I'll blow your freaking head off?" Are you next?" He said looking at Harley to rubbed her neck with a smile on her face."What about you?" He turned to me, I cocked my in confusion "What's Hollywood Square? Is That some kind of old person thing?" I asked. He shook his head "Dumb Millennial" was all he said as he walked forward.

To were El Diablo spoke up "You tripping, homie." Flag ignored him and walked around Deadshot "Are you next Deadshot?" Deadshot walked up to him were there face to face "You just threaten me?" "Oy, yeah" "He just threatened me" he pointed at him and walked away. Flag also turned around and walked away but not before he walked 2 ft. he commanded us and everyone else "Move."

Author's Note: :) Heart and comment on the story like if you're confused on something! I love you guys and thanks for reading!


Demons I get, but humans are crazy
Everyone started out a little insane but we learn pretty quickly how to fake it for the game
In order to get out of hell you have to dance with the devil

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