Chapter 7

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As we were walking I heard a 'ding' and looked to where it came from only to see Harley in a glass elevator waving down at us as she went up. "Harley!" both Deadshot and Flag yelled at her and rolled their eyes while I just chuckled and sped up my pace to catch up with her.
Once we got to where her elevator would stop every one aimed their weapons at the door ready to shoot and fire when ready. The door opened only to reveal Harley standing over what looked like 2 of those wired things we fought earlier with a smile on her face like nothing out of the ordinary happened while inside the elevator. "Hey guys!" was all she said as she walked out the door swaying her hip and some of the guys looking at her ass and I just rolled my eyes at how easily these guys can get distracted. She turned around when she saw that no one was following her "Come on lets go" some of the guys shook there heads tying to get out of their dazed state.
I followed after her my pistols still at the ready as we walked into a what looked at an office by all of the little cubical work spaces and scattered paper just like in the lobby with a few chairs and desks flipped over. As we walked around I had my pistols laying against my solders ready to quickly extend and fire. I felt a strange tingle in my stomach saying that the pray was here and ready to come and play, and I'm never wrong. "Hold" Flag stopped us and looked around more wearily now then before. It was dead silent and the only thing I could hear was our breathing and some of the nervous men's behind me heart beats. "I don't like this Flag" "I don't like it ether" Flag responded to Deadshot.

I heard rustling behind me to see Deadshot putting on his mask. "Pussy" Harley stated with a smile and I just rolled my eyes and ignored Deadshot's response as I listen for where the things could be hiding. I heard what sounded like foot steps above me and I looked up "Found you" Flag looked at me a split second right when the 'things' fell though the the ceiling and I started shooting and avoiding the pieces of rubble that was about to fall on me. I took a few steps back to regain my footing and firing at all that were in my area. I turned around to see what the others were doing and saw one about to get Harley. I shoot It right in the head and saw Harley smile at me in thanks, I just nodded and looked forward again and kept moving. As I plowed though them while doing a few flips and kicks one thought it would be a good idea to get me by coming though the glass, I round house kicked him with manipulated the air to slice him and a few of his buddies that were near by. I saw that they were gaining up on Flag again 'Why do they want Flag so much' "They're going after Flag again!" I yelled to the others as I ran to him as he was trying his best to fight them off. I shot the closest few and pulled him out while whipping my leg back sending razor wind to slice the rest in half.

The others came and circled around him to guard him "He dies, We die! Got That!" Deadshot yelled as we continued to protect him. I stepped out a bit and kept firing as I looked to see Diablo standing in the corner looking around with one of the things coming up behind him. I ran and shoved him out of the way and right when I shot the thing it rapped a weird collar around my neck that had weird spikes inside that dug into my neck and not a second later felt electricity going though me along with what felt like my fire being snuffed out and being choked. I cried out in agony most likely getting the attention of the others I caught a glimpse of Diablo. It looked like a mix of sadness, pain, regret, and anger going though him along with the same thing I couldn't place before.

I fell to the ground and grew my claws and scales, clawing trying to get the things off my neck and I haven't notice that the fight here was finished as everyone came over to try to get the thing off. Croc came and bent down to be eye level and I growled in pain and I felt my teeth grow sharp and my eyes turned to slits and I saw the same things I saw in Diablo's eyes flash in Croc's but it was barley for a second and he quickly ripped off the collar with his sharp teeth. I held my neck going into a coughing fit with some blood seeping out of my neck and mouth as Croc yanked me up and I slightly lost my balance as Diablo steadied me. I looked at my hands and tried to light them on fire, but I couldn't and Deadshot saw my frustration. "What's the matter?" I simply looked at him and I got rid of my scales and moved the air and water around me to see that I could still do that just fine. "It's seams that it temporarily blocked me from using my fire but other than that lets keep going I'm fine" I said as I pulled out the empty magazine form my pistol and replaced it with a full one while walking to the next place, Flag nodded "let's getting moving then" everyone nodded in response. I gave a quick look at the others to see them give me a little worried look but Diablo looked like he was worried and pissed off like some one just punch his kid in the face, but you could only see that emotion flicker in his eyes every so often along with Croc and Deadshot. I just looked forward and kept moving.

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