1: Remember The Password

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You were sitting at your desk in the office building you worked in, when your computer pinged, signifying and email. You looked up at it, expecting an advert or a message from a co-worker, but what you saw surprised you. It took you a while to realise what the subject of the email meant, but when you did, you couldn't believe your eyes.

As a kid, you made a 'time travel password', so that if you ever came back from the future, you would say those words and would know that this person wasn't lying to you, that they really were you. You never wrote it down, but committed it to memory. Now that you are 35 years old, you hadn't thought about it in years. At least, you hadn't thought of it until today, until you saw the email.

Reading the first line, you were confused.

From: rainbowcookiesparkle@gmail.com

That email address was very familiar, because it was yours. It was the email address you were currently logged onto.

Subject: Discombobulated Joey at 12.

Automatically, you thought that someone had tried to prank you, but you weren't entirely sure. You knew that no one else was aware of the password you had made up, and unless someone else knew your password they wouldn't be able to send an email to you from you. And so, curious, you clicked on the email, opening it, and starting to read the text.

Discombobulated Joey at 12. It's me. I think you know what this means, if you remember the password. I really hope you don't think this is just a prank; because it's not, so don't just delete this without reading it. I am you, from roughly two years from now. I've come back in time to this date and logged on to our emails to send you this. But, I'm here to warn you. Next year, you are recruited to join a group of people who call themselves the Legends. There are 8 of them, and they travel through time. There are 6 men and 2 women, although 3 if you include us. One of the men, his name is Leonard Snart, takes a liking to you, and you to him. But when you go on a mission to destroy the 'Oculus', he blows himself up to save you, and the world. So, I'm writing to you to tell you that you need to stop him doing that. He can't sacrifice himself for you. The fate of the man I love rests on your shoulders, and I'm leaving you a set of instructions to follow of how to save him.

1. Go to Central City. Take the digital watch you have that counts the seconds. The particle accelerator will be revealed tonight, and there will be a large crowd of people gathering to watch. You need to be at 112 Infantino Street at 9.00 tonight. Don't be late.

2. Stand in front of, and very close to, any of the walls with shelves on.

3. At 09.01.55pm, punch one of the pieces of merchandise they are selling, and later apologise profusely to the man behind the till who owns the item you just destroyed.

4. Train yourself to use it. Help people who are in danger.

When you have done this, you will receive another email. I will know when you have completed it as my memories will be rewritten, and I will remember doing it. I will stay where I am until I remember. Please, trust me, because I'm trusting you.

You read the email with a sense of disbelief, unsure whether to believe what you were reading. Knowing that, if this was true, you could be risking the life of someone you will grow to love by not going, you decided that you were going to take a trip to Central City.

Taking a deep breath, you looked around you to see your co-workers hard at work, not paying attention to what you were doing, so you quickly pressed print on the email, and went and collected it before anyone noticed that it wasn't a print out of your work.

Folding it up and pressing it into your back pocket, you grabbed your bag and started walking into your boss' conference room, which had glass walls, allowing him to see you coming as soon as you turned the corner which led to his room. Pulling your hair into a messy ponytail and applying a light layer of green concealer you had in your bag over your entire face while you walked, you reached the corner, took a deep breath, and clutched your stomach, walking down the hallway that led to his office.

"I'm really sorry, sir, but I'm afraid I need to go home. I feel really ill, and I think I'm going to be sick." You said, pushing open the glass doors to his office.

As he looked up from his computer, he reached for an antibacterial wipe which he threw on the floor in your general direction.

"Don't come any closer to me than that is," he said, covering his mouth and nose with one hand and using the other to point at the item on the floor. "Pick it up, and wipe the door handle with it on the way out."

Opening your mouth to speak, you bent down to pick up the wipe.

"No. Don't say anything else, you'll spread more germs. Just take the wipe and leave. In fact, take the rest of the week off, even if you feel fine, because sometimes germs last after the symptoms have stopped." Waving his hand at you, he rolled his eyes. "Now leave."

Nodding slightly at him, you covered your hand with the wipe and opened the door, looking over your shoulder at your boss who was nervously gathering cleaning products and wiping the glass.

As you turned the corner, you used the wipe to take the green makeup off your face, and walked out of the building. Getting in your car and reversing out of your parking spot, you checked the time. It was 4.00, meaning you had 5 hours until you had to be at the address given. Pulling over a few streets later, where no one you worked with would see you, you got out your phone and checked how long it would take to get to Central City from Starling City.

A quick web search told you that the two cities were 600 miles apart, and knowing that trains had a speed limit of 59mph, which would take you over 10hours to reach Starling, you decided to check plane times. Seeing that the airport near you had a plane leaving at 5.30, you turned off your phone and got ready to start driving again, when your phone buzzed. Quickly checking it, you saw that you had received a new email. Once again, it was from your own email address, so you checked it immediately.

From: rainbowcookiesparkle@gmail.com

Subject: Re: Discombobulated Joey at 12

I'm starting to remember considering a plane. After all, it's the only way to get there in time, that I can think of. A plane travels at 400 miles an hour, so you'll get there in an hour and a half. I bought you a plane ticket, I'll forward the email with the ticket attached to you in a moment.

You're doing well so far, I'm glad you decided to trust me.

I have to leave now, but I'll be back. After all, I'm getting memories as you make them, so I'm watching you in real time. But I have to go help the others now.

As soon as you finished reading the email, your phone buzzed again, signalling that another email had come through. Checking it quickly, you saw that it was the plane ticket, so you turned your phone off, put it on the seat next to you, and started driving.

Here is the first chapter! What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Stay Legendary!
---Story Legend

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