4: Rerun The Password

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When you reached your house, it was 11.30, and so you decided just to go to bed, although the day's events kept running through your mind. You had little control over what was happening, and that made it harder to be confident about this endeavour, because you didn't know how things were going to end up.

You thought about the next step on the email, having read it so many times that you felt as if you knew it off by heart.

4. Train yourself to use it. Help people who are in danger.

You weren't sure what this meant, but you knew that it was going to be harder figure out than the other steps. As you read the email in your mind, you realised that it never said anything about coming back. You had been told everything else, but coming back to Starling wasn't an instruction. The more you thought about this, the more you felt like you had done the wrong thing. After all, your future self had bought you plane tickets to Central, but not back again. She knew what you were doing, but she hadn't wanted to help you, hoping you'd realise you'd taken a wrong turn.

Your mind was too full of information to sleep, so you went downstairs and turned on the TV, flicking through the channels until you found the news. It wasn't something you'd usually watch, but as you almost skipped it, you realised what was being broadcast. The particle accelerator had exploded, and hadn't done its job. As it gave the time, you realised that it was the same time that had been listed in the email. For some reason, it was important you were in Central City for the explosion. You just had to figure out why.

As the newscasters moved on to a different story, you noticed that you recognised this one too. A CCPD forensic scientist had been put into a coma as a result of being hit by lightening. As you looked at the unconscious mans face, you thought about where you knew him from, until his name flashed up on the screen, identifying him as Barry Allen. Suddenly, you realised he was the man you had met at Jitters, and you hoped he would be OK.

Once again, the story changed, and as you went to change the channel, you heard something that drew you back.

"The clock shop at 112 Infantino Street was broken into tonight. The owner of the shop had gone home at his usual closing time, but 5 people broke in, only to break one clock and leave again. Outside security cameras show a man and a woman entering at 9.00, and then leaving a few minutes later. Just after the first two had entered, a female customer walked into the store, looked around, and left. No security cameras were installed inside this small shop, so we have no way to tell who she, or any of the others were, however we were able to use the outside cameras to look through the windows and see she had no suspicious interaction with the man. The woman he had entered with stayed in the stock room at the back, but left as he did, before the customer had exited. As they walked out of the door leading from the stockroom to the alleyway, they turned left, not appearing to see two men walking towards the door from the right, who then opened the door mere seconds after it slammed closed between the other two fugitives. Once again, one of the two stayed in the back room, and the other came out to see the customer away. The two men who entered the main section of the shop looked the same, so the police are currently searching for a face match among twins, trying to figure out who these men were. Shortly after, another woman entered, who seemed to know the men, as both spoke to her before they all abruptly left."

As you stared at the TV screen, you felt very confused. Everything you had heard was a description of what had happened, but with a few new pieces of information. Although you had heard the door slam and then reopen just before you left, you hadn't realised that had been the man you had spoken to leaving, and then the new two entering.

In fact, it didn't make sense that what you had heard had happened, because although they said they were twins, and therefore the two men could have looked the same, you had continued a conversation after the first one left, and then your future self had spoken to him, meaning the second man was from future. But the first hadn't seen the second, so he didn't know another two men had entered.

As you thought through what you had just learned, you came to a simple conclusion.

The original man and woman were there to rob the store, but someone told them through the earpiece that they had to stop. The two men ('Haircut' and Mick) that entered after were from the future, working with your future self. The two men looked the same because the first was that man in the present day, but the second man was him from the future.

Unfortunately, that meant that this 'Haircut' was a criminal in the present day. It's weird, because he seemed so nice...

The newscaster moved onto a new topic, and as you turned the TV off, you heard the headline of the new story.

"Ray Palmer takes over Queen Consolidated."

You chucked as you heard that, not looking up at the picture being shown of Ray, just reaching for the remote and pressing the power button.

"Politics. At least I know some things will never change." You said to yourself.

And as you put yourself to bed, you thought about the man nicknamed 'Haircut' and how, if you could just see his face, you would recognize him instantly.

Even though I'm the one who wrote this, that ending annoys me so much!! I kind of had to write it like that, but I'm internally screaming for her to look up at the TV. 

What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments!

Stay Legendary!
---Story Legend

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