25 Days After

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Let go
Let him go
Hold the memory of his lips - telling you lies of love - over a cliff and let go
Because if he cared he would stay
Because if he cared he would fight
He would hold on to you like you were more precious than gems to him
Because - if he cared - you would be

Let go
Accept that he sunk his claws into your heart as you were falling
That his talons tore flesh as he let you go
So why can't you let him go?
Why can't you loosen your octopus grip from his ankle?
Stop letting him drag your unnoticed weight behind him in the dirt
Don't let your body be dragged over the breadcrumb trail of jagged glass he leaves in his wake
It leaves your soft, octopus body gouged and bleeding
But you're still hanging on
Let go

Or, if you cannot let go
Develop a shell
Curl into the fœtal position inside of it and plug it with metal to hide your softness
Armor yourself with walls of titanium
Pull your impenetrable shields back up, and do not let them down
Throw up a blockade
Do not let him see behind your iron curtain
White wash the stone on your outside
Leave him with nothing to look at but what your porcelain mask shows
See if he misses the real you behind it

Realize he might not

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