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Why did Perseus attack Zeus in the first place?

Darkness edged my vision; I fell forward, taking ragged breaths. A loud cry of monsters rang near, and I grimaced, forcing myself to move. I released a sigh; there was no way I could outrun the monsters.

I paused, gathering myself. Giving up wasn't an option. I steeled my gaze, rushing into a large cavern. I moved forward, my eyes darting behind me every few seconds.

As the monsters entered I ducked behind a rock, my heart racing. I glared at the chains that bound my arms together as if it held all the answers to my problems. Then, it did. I shifted my gaze at the entrance; silent whispers of a plan starting to come together.

They entered hesitantly, holding their spears close to them. The spearhead itself glinted in the darkness, promising a poisoned tip. The spear itself was dark colored. I couldn't see much, but it was surely well crafted.

In addition to the spears, each of them held a shield. It was circular and it was huge. Even from my vantage point, I could make out four large shields. As for the monsters themselves, they were formidable creatures.

They stood about seven feet tall, about the general shape of a human. I couldn't see their faces, but I was confident by the weapons that they held I was facing cyclops. Large ones. They spread apart, working their way to the back.

I moved swiftly. As I neared the first, I slowed my breath. I stood inches from his bare back, I could smell his breath, see his scars, hear the sound of his heart. Definitely male.

I leaped forwards. In a succession of rapid movements, I wrapped my arms around the neck of the cyclops, letting gravity take control the cyclops fell backward. He didn't make a sound as my chains cut into his throat. The monster faded into dust.

My gaze flickered up, watching the other cyclops. They didn't notice.

One foot in front of another; I rushed towards the exit. I stepped outside only to be met face to face with a cyclops. Easily nine feet tall he scoffed, brandishing his spear.

He rolled his eyes, and suddenly he swung his spear at me. With no time to react, I simply closed my eyes, waiting for the inevitable. I didn't wait long. Within seconds I'm in the air, thrown with utmost ease, across the entire cavern.

My head throbbed as if someone had jabbed a dagger through my skull. I spit dirt along with blood out of my mouth. The large cyclops watched with an amused smirk dancing across his face. He laughed; his bellowing shaking the ground.

"I thought we were supposed to capture the god?" the small one asked, casting a shadow over my fallen body. I clenched my teeth, attempting to push myself to my feet. The medium one grinned, showing off his yellow teeth. "Plan good," he exclaimed.

The largest one kneeled down, and I instinctively inched backward. His face was inches from mine. "godling," I drew back, his breath pushed the hair out my face. He bared his teeth, and I stumbled backward.

The ugly-large one scoffed as wads of spits fell to the ground. He reached forward pinning me to the ground. I let loose a scream as darkness edged my eyes.

The dark expanse suddenly flashed with light, and a welcoming hum of silence filled the cavern. A figure clothed in dark flowing robes sauntered to towards the fallen cyclops.

The cyclops now stood blinded. Utterly helpless. Like me. I closed my eyes as the figure drew raised his hands.


My eyes flickered open. I was laid on a bed. Comfortable. Like Olympus. Wait . . .

I shot upwards, throwing off the extremely comfortable covers. This was all wrong. I was supposed to be in a literal hell. Not a palace, but I felt good. Healed.

God of Storms |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now