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What is the extent of the medallion's power?

I leaned against the wall, listening carefully. A man clothed in black armor and blue robes spoke clearly. He was tall and lanky. Quite annoying to be honest, but I had to listen. Because I had to succeed.

The man glared at our crew for no reason in particular. My crew was composed of a wide array of creatures, including monsters, humans, and even a few demigods. As far as I could tell I was the most powerful, but I didn't want to make any final judgments yet.

Besides, I would fight with this crew at least for the first challenge. From what I gathered my crew would battle another crew till only one stands.


The man motioned towards the entrance, and I stood up straight. We had a few minutes till the first trial, and the air was filled with a tension. Some of us were going to die tonight. That was simply the truth.

My crew gathered at the gate. We were fairly large. Around 20 or so members. Each of us was different. That would help. A wide array of powers to choose from.

None of us spoke. At this stage, the strategy didn't matter. This was the stage that separates the weak from the rest.

The gate retreated upward, leaving us open to the Arena.

A single man on our side sprinted forward. He made it a few feet before an arrow pierced his chest. He fell to the ground without a single sound. I frowned, hefting my shield up. The archer would make this slightly harder.

"Ready?" I called to my team, watching as the enemy rushed to the Arena. "Go!" I shouted, racing towards the enemy.

We made to the first trench with hefty casualties. I scowled, slowing my breathing. The archers had us pinned to the trench. The crowd roared, and the stadium shook, but I simply closed my eyes.

I released a breath, clutching my medallion. "For Typhon," I muttered, climbing over the trench. Instinct took over.

With my shield in front, I rushed forward. I braced myself just as a Giant, swung its ax at me. My shield flew out of my hand, leaving me exposed to all different types of death.

I leaped forward, summoning Celestion in the air. The blade fell into the Giant, forcing it to fall backward. The crowd cheered at sight of blood. It was deafening. No one here cared that someone just died. No one.

Not even me.

I charged, raising Celestion. Metal clanged against metal. I didn't want to reveal my powers yet. Not unless I had too. Better to be underestimated than targeted.

A blood-curdling scream shook me from my thoughts. Another one died. One of mine. He fell to the ground a spear jutted through his back.

The spear glowed; it lit up on fire, and the lifeless body withered to nothing.

A figure from across the arena raised a hand. The spear hummed before flying into the hand.

I raised an eyebrow, hefting my shield in front, I made my way towards the figure.

This was probably the last real threat left on the enemies side. Kind of disappointing really.

I expected more of a challenge from the competitors and even more from the first challenge, but I guess it was necessary to pick the true warriors from the legions of competitors.

The figure turned, raising his spear. It was clothed in dark armor. Every time it moved you could see the literal fire burning inside of it. This was a fire spirit. Extremely rare.

To top it off, this one didn't have a life force. It was already dead . . .

It leaped forward at speeds similar to a wind spirit. Fire spirits were born from the spark of Hestia. They spread the Earth, hiding in the deepest corners of the Earth. They were her army. Most of them died fighting Hyperion; the rest faded over time.

Apparently not.

It crashed into Maros, sending me backward. I groaned, lifting myself up. Ichor trickled down my forehead. This was not a normal spirit. I clenched my grip on my sword.

I raised my gaze, meeting the spirit's harsh gaze. I scowled.

In a series of swift motions, I ran forward, throwing my sword like a spear. Celestion flew perfectly, but just before it collided the spirit vanished, and just like that it was gone.

I frowned as I retrieved my sword. What's happening? A voice boomed overhead, congratulating my side for a victory, but I barely listened. This was not right.


Hestia frowned. She watched her orb of fire. It showed her reality through the eyes of her Fire spirit.

Her frown shifted into a smile as she finally caught a gaze of Perseus.

He was clothed in black armor that followed his body. It was tight against the skin, and gold lined the edges. Typical Perseus. Hestia chuckled, pushing the brown hair out of her face.

Creating the fire spirit took a lot of energy out of Hestia. It would a few months before her strength would finally return. But that wasn't even the hardest part.

The hardest part was tracking Perseus. Hestia ran a hand through her hair, shaking off the thoughts of Tartarus. A shiver ran through her spine. She had to fight every step of the way.

It was a dark place with almost no hope. Monsters that even she didn't realize exist live freely in the pits of Tartarus. The only hope she sensed, she followed. It leads straight to Perseus.

It'll take a few years. Decades maybe even centuries, but at some point, she would pool enough energy to make the spirit talk.

Hestia released a sigh. She would watch over him. Keep him alive until that day arrives.

She gently pressed against the orb, and the image faded. All that was left was the smell of fire. 

About time I updated . . . 

God of Storms |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now