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Perseus listened to the cry of the wind. It howled and moaned, breaking against the walls of the cave. Yes, Perseus knew where he was. If Typhon brought him here, it only meant that the next challenge was coming here. 

In a way, this was home. What else did he have?

"Perseus," she breathed. Zoe. For a moment, her usual steely composure broke. Under her iron skin, maybe, Zoe was as lost as he was, lost and falling and forgotten.

"Nightshade," Perseus answered calmly.

"H-How? I saw you dead," she gasped.

And maybe he was dead. How was he supposed to know? Perseus clenched his fists. At the least, he was alive now. That much was true.

"I'm not sure, Nightsh — ,"

"Zoe. Please, just call me Zoe." She paused, and then, Perseus only heard her breathing, inhale, exhale, her breath hitched with a hint of uncertainty. "You're alive?" Her breath hitched, so so vulnerable.

"Yes, it seems so." Perseus stopped. He could barely hear the soft murmur of her crying. "I've lost my sight," he continued. What else was he supposed to do?

There was a massive, massive burden on his shoulders, a weight as heavy as his own sins.

Zoe stepped closer.

It took everything in Perseus to stay still, but he couldn't help but notice his own breath falling sharper. She was so close. When was the last time he felt — She stepped closer. Her fingers graced his brow, and Perseus had no choice but to shiver. She didn't stop, her fingers slipping down to his jaw. "Come, I'll treat your wounds." 

Almost without care, her hand fell in with his.

Silently, Perseus followed her. They went deeper into the cave. Here, Tartarus was almost like the world above. The wind was silent, muted by the distance of Tartarus' skin, and Tartarus' red dust hardened into rock. Zoe had made somewhat of a home here, and for now, that's all they had.

Eventually, they stopped, and without hesitation, Zoe let go of his hand.

"Sit and tell me what you know."

Perseus complied. "Tartarus is rising, and I must win the rest of the Challenges."

"You are in no condition to fight."

"But I must. I'll fight and I'll win again and again. There are three more challenges, Zoe."

"Then what?"

Perseus faltered, and his own silence condemned him.

Zoe let the silence sink. She began her work, cleaning and bandaging Perseus' wounds. Finally, she spoke, her voice barely a whisper. "You don't know yet, but you'll have to choose, Perseus."

Perseus nodded. The medicine stung, but that didn't matter. Vengeance was numbing. "What about you?" He asked suddenly. "Where's your place?"

The Huntress quieted. "I-I still dream of the moon, Perseus. I can feel it sometimes. The chills rippling down my spine, her promise, my vow, I dream of it all. It's so far away, but I can feel it. She needs me."

Bitterness washed over him like a wave. Even under Zoe's touch, Perseus felt alone. "Tell me, Zoe, does she deserve you?"

"When Zeus sentenced me here, Artemis did nothing. I remember, Perseus. I remember her so vividly. She surrendered to her father's will. So be it."

"She betrayed you," Perseus snarled.

Zoe waited. "Please, calm down."

Perseus complied.

God of Storms |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now