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What is the extent of Perseus's power?

My pace quickened with each step. It felt good to be armed. I felt powerful. A hint of a smile ghosted my face. I felt a familiar tug deep in my chest. I sprinted forward. Now close to the edge of the hole. A faint hiss of light streamed from the sky above, casting the land under a red glow.

I leaped forward, breaking the line of smog, into the more clear part of Tartarus. I shifted forms, letting the tug breakthrough. My back arched, and wide wings broke through my pack. I clenched my teeth as they grew longer and sharper.

I let loose a roar. Every monster in range knew the sound. That only comes from a Pteroleon. A winged lion. Very few in number they scatter the across the realms. The Pteroleon is my symbol.

In this form, my eyesight was much different. Everything was much sharper. Right now I could see a storm brewing. Purple lightning flashed across the black clouds. Typhon was warming up.

My wings curled, and I shot forward as a storm formed around me. My lightning was gold, reflecting my eyes. I stretched out my hands, and as our storms collided I equipped my weapons.

The gauntlets glowed before morphing into the weapons. The sword, named Celestion gleamed under the flash of lightning. The blade fell colliding into Typhon's sword. The force of the attack threw both of them backward.

My eyes flashed an intense gold. There was was one form I like more than the Pteroleon. The form was power. The unrivaled power of the storm.

I no longer hosted a mortal body. I was divine.

Our storms clashed again, but this time I broke through Typhon's storm. In seconds his storm became mine. Thunder crackled across the sky. Across my chest. I was in the sky. A humanoid-shaped being.

I slammed my arm down on the ground; the force of the attack crushing Typhon to the ground. My entire being fell to the ground in a stroke of light. A large crater surrounded my kneeling figure. Anticipation tensed my muscles.

Typhon clenched his fists around his sword as he rose. I clenched my teeth in content. He wasn't in good shape. I just added some scars to his collection. His grip tightened around his blade and his eyes flashed silver.

He dashed forward, raising his sword. It glinted with power, promising pain.

At the last second, I raised my left arm, summoning the shield crafted by Gyges. His sword clashed into my shield, Maros. The attack pushed me a few feet, but it really threw off Typhon. He was off balance. His weight on his back foot. Most importantly his sword took damage. Even from the distance, I could see long fractures across the blade.

I smirked, clashing blades again. This time we both held our ground; we matched our attacks perfectly, yet he slowly pushed me backward. He was still stronger than me. Faster than me. I gritted my teeth.

Our blades met again, but this time I let my grip loosen. The blade went flying out of my hands into the ground too far to reach. I used to attack to propel me backward.

I propped my shield up, tossing it at Typhon's feet. It flew perfectly. The unexpected move left him on the ground, clutching his arm. A small smile worked onto my face; I missed but he didn't need to know that.

Typhon adapted quickly. He pushed himself up, and leaped forward, pushing me to the ground. We were both unarmed. This time I had the advantage of having two able hands. My gauntlets added extra pain to each hit I landed.

In the last move, I punched Typhon in the gut, forcing him to the ground yet again. He gasped, raising his hands in surrender.

I smirked. Finally. I took my time, cherishing the moment as I waltzed over to Typhon. At the last second, he pushed himself up, using the momentum to crash into me.

I fell with his dagger against my throat. He grinned, showing off bloody teeth. "It's never over," he commented, releasing me from my hold. I groaned, rubbing my neck uncomfortably.

"No matter, you are ready to enter the arena. You'll learn the rest through blood. Like I did. Now, go rest; I will take you to the arena myself."

I nodded, releasing the tension left in my arms. They were sore. In fact, everything was sore. I unbuckled my armor as I walked up the stairs to my room. Or my floor. Either one is true.

The room was the same as I left it. Neat. Spotless. Typhon demanded it, so I did it. My feet took a few more steps to the bed as I collapsed. My eyes drooped. It was over.

The intense training. The constant pressure. At least for now.


We stood at the top of a hill. Our breathing filled the silence. I turned, facing Typhon. His gaze was fixed below.

A huge expanse filled the entire valley. An entire arena the size of Olympus cast a shadow across the valley. Typhon crossed his arms. "That's your destiny Perseus."

I nodded. That's what would give the power I needed to tear down Olympus. He watched me carefully.

"Go down the valley. Enter through the main gate," he motioned down. "You will be told what to do." He paused, meeting my eye. "Don't let that vengeance in you take control. Harness it," he commanded.

Typhon clasped his hands together, churning his energy into an intricate design. It was a black medallion with carvings on both signs. I didn't recognize the language.

"Take it. This signifies that you are my champion." I accepted. "Why are you doing this?" I questioned, holding the medallion in my hand. "The only thing we have in common is our domains."

"You're wrong. We share more than just a domain. We were both destroyed. Brought down from our rightful place, he replied.

His eyes hummed as his temper grew. "I was meant to rule. I was the strongest, but I refused to bend to his ways, so he banished me from his palace, left me to survive alone," He grumbled.

Typhon sighed. "I felt your pain Perseus, and unlike my father, I cared." His eyes traveled to the arena. "I made my name known in there. I hope you can do the same."

I watched as he flashed away, leaving me alone to face a likely death, but unlike ever before I wasn't scared or nervous. This all just felt natural. It felt perfect. Like destiny.

The gates opened, revealing the chaos. I stepped forward, clutching my medallion. 

Kinda short. Oh well. Kinda a filler chapter. Oops. 

Till next time. 

God of Storms |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now