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This was it. The Last Challenge. The Arena roared in anticipation. From the center of the arena, Perseus saw creatures old and new, big, hulking things, and small, writhing scum. Hate filled the atmosphere.

He bore no weapon. His sword and shield were gone, Celestion and Maros were weapons worthy of Gods. Now, he only had the storm and the darkness inside of him. It would be enough.

He cast one last glare at Tartarus. He stood, an extension of the red under him, bearing a cruel smile. Hate filled his soul. Perseus understood that.

Perseus smiled once more. Then, he charged as if he was blind. His enemy would come to him. The Tenth Challenge was nothing to him. Thunder exploded from his person. Tendrils of darkness killed anything near him. His aura exploded from his center, feeding on the ichor of the monsters he killed. The weak monsters in the Arena scattered instantaneously.

His lips curled into a cheshire grin. This was it.


What was that?

In his moment of hesitation, Perseus broke under a powerful force. Chaos.

His legs failed underneath him, and he crumpled backwards. The Arena roared its roar, but Perseus screamed. The sudden blast of power tore through his flesh, searing it pink and black and blue. Perseus grimaced. Shaking, he rose once more.He was facing something unnatural.

Then, Perseus finally saw it. This creature was not of this world. In a crazed swirl of energy, a man stood, blooming and dying within seconds. Beautiful.

It was not a God, Titan, or Primordial. This was energy personified, entropy, and what was Perseus next to it? Its skin was its aura, a stark, formless black. The red dust at its footsteps faded to an empty white. It was familiar.

"A gift for you," Tartarus declared. "I stretched into the Chaos, took a breath of his existence, and bled my own essence into it."

Chaos turned impure by the Pit. Perseus drew his own aura back to his person. On an exhale, Perseus created his own weapon with the power in his fingertips. A spear of the thunder and the night in his own essence, a spear to end it all.

He charged again, but the Chaos Spirit did not move.

Perseus hesitated, but for a moment. In the next, he pierced the spirit through its center.That wasn't near enough. Of course it wasn't.

The Chaos Spirit only flared its aura and Perseus broke. His skin was either burnt or burning, black and cracked. He coughed, pushing himself to his feet once more.


The voice ...

What else could he do? With the harsh air of Tartarus as his comfort, Perseus gathered his energy yet again. His feet led the way, straight towards death. He was a slave to the fight. He was numb now, numb to the pain and the voice in his mind.

"Say, Perseus. Why'd you kill me?"

He was too far gone, his spirit mauled and his mind mangled. Still, he recognized the voice in his head. How could he not?


The Chaos Spirit savaged him, tearing the flesh off his bones with ease. It screamed, shaking this way and that, twisting and fighting ... itself.

Perseus gasped for life. Black stars danced in his vision, a familiar black. It was so tantalizing.

"Why'd you kill me, Perseus?"

God of Storms |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now