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The House of Night rises at the edge of the Tartarus. From here, one could see Chaos himself, but of course, not really. No one could see here. This was darkness. This was night.

"It's almost time, isn't it?"

Perseus smiled. "Yes, Kiora. It's almost time."

Perseus remembered her eyes perfectly well. They were a deep purple, holding nightmares and such. The God of Storms cocked his head. The last time he had talked to Kiora, he had his sight as well as his sanity.

To be fair, Perseus was mostly sane as of now. Sanity is harder to quantify or judge, but it was only a matter of time. Tartarus told him so, and Nyx confirmed it. That wasn't necessary though. Persues knew the fact for himself—he was going insane. It was a strange sensation, though not entirely foreign.

"How will you fight if you can't see?" Kiora asked.

"Hey now, I won the Eighth Challenge blind," Perseus chided. He toyed with his fingers. I won at a price. And what a price, huh?

"Mother says you'll lose."

Perseus couldn't help but laugh. It felt so wrong. Laughter? Now? Was this his insanity?

"I might. I'm not sure."

Kiora said nothing, so Perseus said nothing. Eventually, he came to his feet.

"Will you leave then?" She asked.

"I guess I will," Perseus said. And he did. He only made it so far.

"Wait! Tell me a riddle! One last riddle!"

Perseus smiled.

"Voiceless it cries,

Wingless flutters,

Toothless bites,

Mouthless mutters."

He let his words sink. "Was is it?"

Kiora pouted like she did. "It's the wind, obviously. Come on, that was too easy!"

Perseus smiled again, laughing. He ruffled her hair like he did. "Maybe you're just getting smarter. He paused, reflecting. "Wiser, I should say."

Kiora liked that a little more of course.

Moments like these, Perseus forgot he was in Tartarus. Hell, sometimes he forgot his curse, but he could never forget the blood on his hands.

Perseus turned away. It was time. He said his farewells, and on an exhale, Perseus slipped into the night. He exited the void at her presence, and naturally, he bowed.

"Lady Nyx, I'll take my leave."

Perseus kept his eyes low. The Primordial of Night would answer in her own time. Perseus shivered. He could only imagine her cold eyes judging him.

"Yes, it's time," she decided. "You are doing better than I would have guessed, Perseus. All the same, today is the day. Tartarus has summoned all of us. Typhon will be there. Every crawling, slithering demon will answer his call. You are the final presentation."

"Ah." Perseus came to his feet. Gods, how was he so calm? "It's time for Olympus to bend its knees."

"Yes. And you will either fight alongside Tartaurs or die tonight. You will face both the Ninth and the Tenth Challenge tonight. Tartarus wills it so."

Perseus nodded slowly. Two challenges at once? "Olympus has no chance, does it?"

Nyx laughed, and for some reason, Perseus felt the life in him hurt. "Typhon alone can almost single handedly defeat Olympus. Yes, the Olympians managed to defeat Gaea and her children, but this time, Tartarus himself is rising as am I. And if you survive today, you will boast power greater than Typhon. Then, you will raze Olympus to the ground."

God of Storms |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now