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Hestia desperately wanted to sleep. She turned this way and that, but the peace never came. Gods, don't sleep, not like mortals, but right now, Hestia craved rest.

They never came. The others had already forgotten, or at least, they pretended they had forgotten. Only the past week, Olympus was at the brink of complete annihilation. Now, they feasted, hunted, singing songs of valor, valor never proved.

See, they never came.

Olympus had gathered their forces in a final effort against the armies of Tartarus. They were fighting a losing battle. No one remembered, except Hestia, so she could not sleep.

On that day, every monster that roamed the Earth disappeared. Olympus prepared for a final assault, but they never came.

How? Why?

It had to be him. Perseus.

The others would flinch at the sound of his name, deny it, curse it, but it was the only possible explanation. It could only be him, but ... where was he now?

"Perseus." She said his name out loud, and he did not answer. Still, she liked the way his name fell off her tongue. She said it again. He did not answer. And then somehow, she was sobbing, his name lost in her silent cry.

Her chest hurt, and her mind ached. She felt the truth. It was him. Somehow, Perseus saved them.

And he was alive.


For the first time in decades, Zeus slept beside his wife. After all, they survived the wrath of a Primordial.

Zeus slept easily. He enjoyed the rest.

Yet when he slept, he dreamt of him.

Gods don't dream.

He had a broken smile and skin as black as the dark side of the moon. His aura was suffocating, even in a dream—it had to be a dream, right—Zeus was choking. A monster, he's a monster.

And then he saw the monster's eyes.

Zeus knew those eyes. Gold. They were different though, darker, stronger, much much stronger, and somehow Zeus knew, this entity was utterly insane.

Zeus forgot his name but he would never forget those eyes.

He screamed, but he only heard the sound of his ichor rushing, and only then did he realize where he was. This was Tartarus. The once red dust was now a stark white, but had to be Tartarus ...

Zeus stared into the Void, into Chaos itself, and it answered. It spoke a name.


The name held power, power unimaginable to Zeus. With the name came the horrors of a life forgotten.

The King of Olympus woke the next morning. Now, he could never forget.


Once again, the Goddess of the Moon fulfilled her duty. This place was lonely, isolated from the feeling of dirt between her toes and reliable companionship. All the same, Artemis was grateful for her time here.

In the skies, Artemis was at peace. She took this time to remember. She promised herself she would never forget. The list of her crimes rose to the heights of Olympus, but she could not forget. The burden on her shoulders was as heavy as sky.

Hestia understood. The Goddess of the Hearth had the same eyes. She was different. Artemis strived to be like her, but she could not. Her pride was her downfall. That, and she was too weak.

And so, she began. She looked to the stars and spoke the names of the mortals who had died for her service.

They were beautiful names, and it hurt to say them so solemnly, but this was her duty.

At last, she spoke her name. "Zoe."

She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she saw her again, Zoe, hunting in the stars.

How? Artemis could only laugh, smile, and cry.

The promised epilogue ...

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