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How will Perseus defeat the Second Challenge?

I rolled my shoulders back, glancing at Justus.

"Are you ready?" Justus asked, straightening his armor.

Garmeus nodded.

This was it. This was the Second Challenge. The gate separating us from the Arena slowly opened up. I could see the stands full of creatures of mass diversity. Lights shone down on the creatures, lighting up the Arena.

Last time, the Arena was full of trenches, trees, and all kinds of cover. Now, there was only a single hill. It wasn't large or small, but it was enough that they couldn't see the opposition.

I stretched my arms. Even now, we didn't know what we were supposed to defeat. Still, I I was confident.

I had trained beside Justus and Garmeus like I had once done with his brothers. He knew their every tendency.

"Let me be the one to finish the kill," Garmeus asked cockily as they stepped into the Arena.

I turned to answer, but Justus interrupted.

"Look up!" He shouted, raising his daggers.

We scattered. Above us was The Hydra. Not a Hydra. The Hydra.

This was one of the original beasts. Unlike the Lernaean Hydra slain by Hercules, this beast had thirteen heads. It could spew acid, breathe fire, and regenerate pair of heads for every one lost. Only the immortal head could not be regenerated. If we cut off that head the best would fade.

The Hydra crashed into the Arena at numbing speeds, sending rocks high into the sky. It roared, flexing its glittering green scales under the glow of Tartarus.

I summoned my weapons. Maros, the shield, formed from the golden stones in the gauntlets. The gauntlets formed my sword, Celestion. The weapons were black with golden highlights. They were formed from an unknown metal.

Garmeus had barely avoided The Hydra. He was now left exposed to its thirteen heads.

The Hydra swung its tail, sending Garmeus flying into the wall.

Justus gulped, raising his daggers. "It's massive!" He exclaimed, inching backward as the beast turned its attention to its remaining opponents.

It stood on its hind legs. My eyes widened. It stood as tall as the Arena itself.

Justus exhaled, closing his eyes. He floated inches from the ground, and the winds picked up speed. He opened his eyes, revealing bright blue eyes.

He flexed his arms, and a small blue aura electrified into existence.

I had only seen Justus like this the few times we let ourselves unleash our powers against each other.

That never went well.

Still, I followed his example, calming my senses. Through our training, we pushed the limits of our powers. A golden aura flared around me, coating my weapons in an ethereal glow.

Then, we charged.

Justus rose far into the air, racing around The Hydra. It glared at him, shooting fire and poison at the son of Ouranos.

I leaped, soaring into the air for a second. I landed on one of its many heads. My eyes flashed with immense power as I slammed Celestion down.

The Hydra roared in agony, rearing back against the side of the Arena.

I stumbled, falling to the ground. I groaned, forcing myself to stand. Nine heads still glared at me. I hadn't really hurt it. I only managed to piss it off.

God of Storms |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]Where stories live. Discover now