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Do any of the Olympians care for Perseus?

I walked across the training arena, looking for a worthy sparring opponent.

After the First Challenge, I was assigned a station just outside of the Arena. I was to eat, sleep, and most importantly, train at this station.

There are ten stations total, one for each Challenge. The higher you go the better the stations become. I never went to the first station because I lived with Typhon.

Now, I was at the second station. It was decent, but the only problem I had was the company I was stuck with. More than half of them wouldn't pass the Second Challenge.

That left me with almost no real challenge. Almost.

I watched a duel. Two men fought in a deathly spar. Unlike the others, these men used real blades.

One used a single sword and a dagger while the other used dual daggers. The duo fought in a unique style even I didn't recognize.

The swordsman wore a simple gray lightweight armor. It probably couldn't protect the man from a well-aimed jab by a dagger, but it allowed him to more freedom to move.

He used it to his advantage. He had the advantage of a longer blade, so he forced his opponent back. Surprisingly, the other man didn't retaliate with much force.

He wore white armor. The gray-armored man was fast, but this man was somehow faster. Even to my trained eye, he was sometimes a blur.

He mostly dodged, only clashing blade when he was forced to engage. Eventually, the swordsman grew tired. He couldn't keep up his barrage of attacks, and eventually, he would misstep.

I saw it at the same time his opponent saw it. He had dashed to the left, slicing his sword horizontally in an extremely risky attack. I had to say, for such a dangerous move it was fairly well executed.

Almost perfect. His sparring partner ducked, letting the blade fly above him. He pushed forward, crashing into the other man. The swordsman didn't have any time to react.

His sword flew out of his grip and, he fell to the ground a dagger at his throat. I nodded in approval. These were real warriors.

I stepped towards them. "Great duel," I greeted.

The swordsman picked up his sword, "Yes it was," he answered, turning towards me. I blinked.

He was extremely pale and his hair could have been whiter than snow. The interesting part was his eyes. They were an intense dark silver. I could sense his power.

He threw me a glance before turning towards his partner.

My eyebrows shot up. His aura was well hidden, but I could sense the immense power within the man.

He met my eyes with a curious gaze. Like his counterpart, he was pale and had white hair, but his eyes were unique. He had bright blue eyes that mirrored the sky from Olympus.

Simply perfect.

He stretched out his hand, forcing me back into reality. I shook his hand, "Perseus," I offered.

"Justus," he answered. "This is Garmeus," he motioned. I gave him a curt nod.

"What brought you the Arena?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Garmeus glanced at Justus. "It's a long tale for another time," he vaguely replied, meeting my gaze.

I looked away. His eyes shone with power. It was unbearable. I could feel the air thicken with ancient power. I forced myself to meet his eyes.

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