All I Can feel Is Sad

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(The song has nothing to do with this chapter but it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good I love Taehyung!!!)

The park was so nice I could hear the birds chirping in the distance. I feel the sun on my skin. This was such a beautiful day and yet I feel so sad. I have not tried to do the whole dating thing again because I was to scared to move on.

Most of you are probably thinking how did the police know to come to my house for Yoongi. Well when Jungkook's mom came to my house she was watching the news and I saw on the news that they have been looking for Yoongi for a while now. So hearing that Jungkook was gone I knew that he was going to come for me. I call the police so they could protect me. When they came to talk to me they could heard all the noise from inside. That is when they came to help me and I'm so thankful for what they have done for me.

I slowly come back to earth not realizing that I was just staring at this young couple. I miss Jungkook so much. I miss the way he looked at me. I miss the way he smiled at me. I miss the way he kissed me. 

I could hear foot steps coming from be hind me. I didn't wanted to turn around so much but I had a feeling like something was telling me to look at who was coming. I turn to see..............................................

Jungkook's mom

JM- "Hey there sweety. How are you today?"

YN- "Just peachy" I said with a fake smile

JM- "Honey I have known you for most of you life. So you can get that fake smile and throw it into the trash. Same with all you sadness. (Y/N) you need to pick yourself up"

YN- "Thanks but I just want to go home now"

JM- "Okay then but if you feel like having fun again. I'm having a party for my sister's 15 year old"

YN- "When is it?" I didn't want to be rude so I asked

JM- "It is tomorrow. Here is the invitation. It says where it is and what time it is going to be"

YN- "I will have to see, but I'm happy you are still thinking about me"

JM- "Of course. You mean a lot to me and my son. Well see you at the party!"

Uauahhh I don't want to go to a party. Last party I was at I got pregnant sooo I don't think so.

I grab my bag and head to my house. When I got to my house all did was sleep. Wait that is all I do now a day besides school work.

If I keep up the good work I will be able to graduate early and with the money my dad left me I could finally go to Korea like I always wanted to go.

Life has calmed down a bit for me. My life is still so sad but things after things after things are not piling up on me. For once I'm truly all alone in my house. I drifted into a quiet sleep.

Tomorrow wich is now today! It is the weekend and the party. I don't know what I'm going to do. I just want to stay home, but i know I need to get out and not stay in here for the rest of my life.
After a long time debating with myself I think that I'm going to the party.

I sat down trying to think of what to wear. This time looking for something to wear was not the same as times before. Other time I wanted to show off what I got and make people like me. But now I'm looking for an outfix that will make people think that I okay and that I'm no longer sad or that I hate myself for being alone.

I was done with getting ready. I looked in the mirror. "I look okay" I told myself "I look like I have my shit togteher" I grab the invitation from my dresser. I look outside to see a limo "wow! Jungkook's mom really wanted me to go"

I walked down to the limo. I'm feeling sad that I'm going to this party all by myself since the last party I was at. I have everything that I wanted, sure I was not with the right guy at the time but I was happy. Now I just feel scared and alone. All I Can Feel Is Sad    

Sorry I keep on doing that again. I got into the limo amazed of how beautiful it was. Jungkook would have liked this as well. When we arrived to the party there was not that many people there at the time because I got here 30 minutes before the party even started. I thanked the driver and went inside. 

This ball room is one of the prettiest I'v ever seen in my life. I see Jungkook's mom with a lot of things in her hands, so I run over to go help her out.

JM- "(Y/N)!! Why are you here so early?"

YN- "To be honest with you I have nothing better to do"

JM- "What about school work?"

YN- "I have all my homework done for about a month. Also I might be graduating early so I try to move to Korea like me and.... (Jungkook) planed"

JM- "Yes I know he would always talk about going over there"

YN- "Do you need anymore help?"

JM- "No thank you it is getting to be the time that the party is going to start, so you better find a seat" 

YN- "Will do"

As I'm about to sit down I get a hug from the back. I was so shocked I dropped my bag on the table. I turn to see Kim Taehyung with the biggest smile and with this really beautiful girl holding his arm.

T- "I have not seen you in the longest time!"

YN- "I know"

T- "Before I forget this is my girlfriend Jennifer. Jennifer this is my old friend (Y/N)"

Jennifer- "Wow I love your outfit. Hi I'm Jennifer but you can call me Jenny all my friends do"

YN- "Nice to meet you Jenny"

T- "Would you like to sit with us (Y/N)?"

Jenny- "Oh yes please!"

YN- "I would love to"

All three of us were having such a good time talking and laughing to the point we were the loudest ones in the whole place. After sometime a lot more people started to come. 

T- "Did you hear that they are not going to have a funeral for Jungkook"

*spits some of drink out*

YN- "WHAT!!"

T- "Yeah they are just going to cremate him and send him off to the sea" 

I could not whole my angry in, yet I did not want to mess up this little girls party. I just wanted to get out of there and cry. I try to just walk out when his mom stops me. I try not to make eye contact  

JM- "Where you doing the party is not over yet"

YN- "I was planing on sending myself to the ocean without telling"

I walk out of the party crying my heart out. I find the limo that I took there. I told the person if they could just get me home like now. 

Why is it that I never have the chance to say good bye to the ones I love. Do they not love me the why I love them?.....................................


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