(WoF) Chapter 17: Allies

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By Puffnut
Starscale's POV

After TidalClaws had saved Starscale, she didn't know what to feel. Relief? Sadness? Regret? The blur of emotions makes her unsteady on her feet. If one thing was for sure it is that she felt guilty at all the dead dragons around her even though she couldn't have done anything to save them. Yet, she should've been able to do something. Being born without powers just kept hitting her in the face over and over again.

She tries to stand tall and act imposing, hoping the two remaining champions, the Seawing, and the four-part hybrid would remember that it was fighting to the last five remaining death. Seeing the furious looks in both of their eyes, she guessed that even if they did remember, Starscale and TidalClaws were still going to die. Automatically, her wing shoots out in front of TidalClaws, protecting him from the champions. She crouches and starts to walk back as the Champions approach them. Feeling something grab onto her leg, she looks down. Holding her leg with a pleading look in her eyes is the Skywing champion, still alive, but barely. Teeth marks are on her neck, just a breath away from being fatal. Other than that, she seems to have escaped any other harm. If Starscale were any other dragon, she would've left the Skywing to die and be more concerned with the other Champions stalking steadily nearer. But, she isn't any other dragon. She is Starscale and she is determined to not be the cause of any more deaths. Standing in front of the Skywing, she says to TidalClaws, "Help the Skywing, I'll fend off the Champions."

"Wait, no! I'll fend them off, you help the Skywing!" Starscale turns to TidalClaws. He has this sad look in his eyes like he knows that if Starscale attacks the Champions, she'll end up dead. But, he doesn't have any better luck...

She shakes her head. "I'll be fine. Just try to stop the blood." He nods carefully, turning to the Skywing. Starscale turns back around to face the still approaching Champions. She is honestly surprised that they haven't attacked yet and decided they must be enjoying the looks of panic on their faces. The Seawing champion would definitely reach her first, so she turns towards her. In a flash, the Seawing runs toward TidalClaws, claws stretched out. It seems as though time slows as Starscale sees him in danger. Not taking even a second to think, she rams into the Seawing, who turns her focus to Starscale.

Growling, the furious dragon leaps at her and Starscale faintly hears TidalClaws yell, "Catch!" She turns and catches the item he throws at her. She doesn't have time to wonder why he had just told her to catch a stone before the Seawing crashes into her. Surprisingly, Starscale finds herself to be fine as the Seawing claws at her. Filled with a boost of confidence, Starscale shoots a ball of fire at the Seawing. It skims the dragon's side and continues on till it crashes into the arena wall. The Champion growls and lunges at her again, but jerks back as a chain wraps around her leg. Turning around, she snaps at the Skywing guard holding her captive. Starscale quickly turns around as she hears another chain and sees TidalClaws and the Skywing, whose neck had stopped bleeding, also held by chains. She then turns again and notices the four-part hybrid also chained down.

"Look out!" shouts TidalClaws, and then Starscale blacks out.

* * *

When she wakes up, she is no longer in chains. Instead, she sees the face of TidalClaws who is leaning over her with worry on his face. "Ah!" she says surprised. She jumps to her feet, startled. She looks around, almost like a caged animal. "What happened? Where am I?" She takes in the glamor in the room and how it is much bigger and more stylish than their cells. She lays on a red bed which seems so much more shabby than the rest of the room with its covers placed messily all over the top.

"It's your room for the day," explains TidalClaws. "We were the last people in the arena, so we get a day to be free."

Starscale lets his words sink in before saying, "How's the Skywing champion?"

TidalClaws turns away. "Better, but still really weak. If I hadn't used m... I mean stopped the blood, she would've died."

She nods her head, grateful that she had at least helped to save one dragon. "What time of day is it?"

"Noon. You slept pretty much the whole day. The Skywings say it's from shock..."

Starscale quickly gets up. "Then why are we wasting time talking? We need to find a way to escape!"

She runs out the door with TidalClaws close behind. "Wait! Starscale!"

She turns around a corner and bumps right into the four-part hybrid. "Hey, watch where you're going!" the cranky dragon yells.

Starscale shrinks back. "Sorry..."

The dragon's blind eyes widen in shock. "Don't be sorry! I didn't realize you were a Skywing. I'll go now." She quickly backs away. Starscale gives a questioning look to TidalClaws who shrugs, equally as confused.

As an idea pops into Starscale's head, she quickly races after the hybrid. "Wait up!" The hybrid quickly stops and turns around, tilting her head. Dropping her voice to a whisper, Starscale says, "Listen, I'm going to help you escape. I'm.. also sort of a captive here and need your help as well. Will you join us?"

"Us?" asks the hybrid.

"Me and the Seawing/Nightwing hybrid from the arena," she explains.

"That Nightwing who was a survivor isn't with you, is she?" growls the hybrid.

Deciding not to lie, she says, "Yes she is." Before the hybrid can protest, Starscale continues, "I'm trying to free everyone, not just us."

"Fine," says the hybrid, grudgingly agreeing. "I'll help you."

Starscale breathes a sigh of relief. "Great. What was your name again?"


"Great, I'm Starscale, and this is TidalClaws. We're gonna bust out of here as soon as we get the chance..."

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