(Httyd) Chapter 29: Dragon Root

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By Puffnut

The minute we land on the new island, Cloudracer collapses on the ground, asleep in less than a minute. I myself can't believe she had made it so far.

If anything, her sleeping straight away gives me admiration for her determination.

The other dragons seem equally exhausted, even the Red Death who, after letting out an ear-shattering roar, had fallen asleep instantly. It now looks exactly like a dormant volcano except for the rising and falling of its chest. After trying and failing to help set up camp, I decide to explore the strange place we had landed on. Like Berk, the climate is slightly chilly and has tall, lush trees bordering the edge. I take off my shoes for a moment to relish the soft sand pressed between my toes, feeling suddenly homesick. In the distance, I can see a looming mountain and possible settlements on its edges. Other than these, I can see no visible sign of life besides the small insects and little animals darting through the trees.

I put my shoes back on as my feet begin to go numb from the cold. Walking over to the Riders, I can hear Fishlegs asking, "What is this place?"

Hiccup shrugs. "It's farther beyond the outer reaches of the Archipelago than any place we have ever discovered. And, by the way the Red Death is sleeping, I bet that she only resentely discovered the place and has only made the journey a couple of times."

The other Riders nod their heads in agreement and I sit beside the twins. "Why can't we strike now, hit the thing while it's sleeping?" Tuffnut is complaining to his twin.

Ruffnut rolls her eyes. "We don't have dragons, remember? They're all sleeping."

"Yeah but we could use Hideous Zippleback gas and..."

"And where would we get enough Zippleback gas to even so much as harm that thing?" asks Hiccup dryly, overhearing their conversation.

"I don't know! Stop ruining my fantasies!" grumbles Tuffnut.

Hmm... The twins could be on to something. If we strike now they'll never see us coming...

But what could we use to harm that thing...

An idea suddenly pops into my head. "Hey, you guys..."

"We could throw rocks at the Red Death! That's sure to work!" announces Tuffnut suddenly.

"Hey, I have an idea..."

"Tuff," says Hiccup, massaging his temples. "How in a million years is that going to work?"

"Um.. hello?"

"We just have to find really big rocks. And than, we can use a really big rope and pull them over to the Red Death."

"Is anyone listening to me?!"

As Hiccup and Tuffnut get into a debate about why using big rocks was or wasn't going to work, I sigh in defeat.

I guess I could expieriment and explore while I wait...

Glancing back one more time to make sure the Riders are still in debate, I head into the forest. Branches as thick as my arms obscure my path as I travel deeper into the underbrush. Every once and a while, I stop and pick up a twig or a rock or an interesting looking leaf. The amount of things I am carrying eventually becomes armful of items and I struggle to contain it all. Noticing a particularly large leaf, I pile the items into it and secure the top with a thick vine. Slinging it over my shoulder, I continue through the forest, looking for one more thing in particular.

"Come on," I mutter. "They must have Dragon Root around here somewhere." I set down my pack and try digging into the dirt to find any trace of the root. I rack my brain to remember what I had heard about the Riders adventures. "Dragon Root can only grow in direct sunlight," I realize, snapping my fingers. "I've been looking for it in the wrong place." Leaving my pack behind, I begin to climb the tree to my right. Unlike those on Berk, this tree is smoother, with less grooves to stick your fingers in. Luckily though, what it lacks in notches, it makes up for in branches.

As I near the top, I climb steadily faster, not at all deterred by the bark digging into my already scarred hands. As I often adventure beyond the reaches of the village, the motions are like a childhood memory, resurfacing as I continue to advance upwards. It brings me back to mischief, to glee. The days when everything had been right with the world.

Think happy thoughts. Not that much has changed.

I try to stay serious as to not fall off the tree, but can't surpress the giggle that escapes my lips. Despite all this danger, I was still a Thorston and Thorstons were never serious for long.

I arrive at the top and almost fall right off again at the sight. From the top of the tree, I could almost see everything. The forest continues a little longer before the mountain range begins, and a stunning mountain range at that. The mountains are bigger than anything I had ever seen; each mountain three... maybe five times bigger than the Red Death. To my right, I can faintly see another island, probably connected to this one, that looks almost white from where I'm standing and to my left... the forest continues on for as long as the eye can see.

"Wow," I breathe faintly. "This place is huge... more than huge!"

If I hadn't seen it for myself, I wouldn't have believed anything could be this big.

After noting the direction I need to go, I slide down the tree slowly and carefully, taking my time, but also trying to go down  relatively quickly. At the bottom, I reach out my hand to grab my bag of nature, only to find it isn't where I left it. Instead, dragon foot prints as big as me are visible leading towards the beach.

The Red Death's dragons must've woken up!

Deciding to leave the quest for Dragon Root till tomorrow, I race off through the forest, hoping I get to my friends faster than the dragon. Feet pounding on the soft dirt, I desperately try going as fast as I can.

I hope I'm not too late...

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