Chapter 7: No Money

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-After one day | Room #7 | Yoona-

I woke up at 6:00 AM and it is already 6:15 AM. For the 15 minutes, I was just sitting on the chair.Someone knocks and comes in. It was Sooyoung. I wonder why she's here.

"Yoona-sshi. We are gonna share rooms!!" Sooyoung said and put down her bag

"Jinjayo?!" I said and stood up

"Ne. Class starts at 7:00. I already took a bath." Sooyoung said and sat down

"Oh ok. I'll go get prepared for class." I said and went to the bathroom

-Classroom | 7:00 AM | Yoona-

Sooyoung and I went in together and then sat on the chair. After a few minutes, the teacher came in. The only thing we did today was introduced ourselves. We only had a half-day.

-Cafeteria | 12:00 noon | Yoona-

Sooyoung and I bought lunch. While I was about to buy my lunch, I don't have money so I skipped lunch but I waited for Sooyoung to finish eating. Sooyoung and I sat down and then Sooyoung started eating. I was just looking at Sooyoung eat. It looks like she really likes the food. She asked me if I want to eat and then I answered that I am ok. Actually I am not ok. I want to eat.

When Sooyoung was already finished eating, someone put food in front of me. Noodles and water. I looked at my back and it was Donghae who gave it to me. When I looked at him, he smirked and winked at me. I just smiled and bowed as a thank you. He was with his friends I guess. He looks so popular. There are many girls who likes him I think.

Sooyoung looks at me with a familiar smile. I just smiled at her and started eating.

"You like him?" Sooyoung asked

"Anyo." I answered

"Are you serious?" Sooyoung asked

"Anyo." I answered

"Ha! You do like him!" Sooyoung said

"Anyo." I answered again

"Aishh. Jinja. Just tell me the truth. Do you like him?" Sooyoung said

"Araseo. Yes, I do like him." I answered and we continued eating

"I heard that there will be new students. Exchange students. 5 new exchange students." Sooyoung said

"From what country?" I asked and grabbed my water to drink

"U.S." Sooyoung answered and I almost spitted the water out

"Are you ok?" Sooyoung asked

"What school?" I asked

"I don't know but it is probably gonna be an idol university." Sooyoung answered

What am I thinking?

There are many cities and idol universities in U.S.

It's not gonna be a big deal because it surely won't be AIU. AIU is hidden in Aistellwoods City. AIU won't be discovered easily by korean people because they're not even from U.S.

I don't want it to be AIU.

-School Park | 1:00 PM | Yoona-

Sooyoung and I went to the school park to have a stroll. While we were strolling around I asked Sooyoung who will be the student that will study in U.S.

Sooyoung answered that it was said that it will be the idols who will transfer for their american debut. They will stay and study in U.S. for just one year. Same for the people who are gonna transfer here. Sooyoung added that there will be 4 korean students and 1 american student who will transfer here.

Another hint of the exchange students. The university with most korean students is AIU. Can't be. I am getting a lot more nervous about the hint of the exchange students. It can never be Luhan. I don't want to meet him again. My life here is very fun already.

"Oh! Cotton candy. Yoona, let's buy." Sooyoung said and clung onto my arm

"Good idea." I said and we went to the stall

Sooyoung buys two cotton candies. One for herself and one for myself. I looked inside my wallet and there is no money. I think I need to go get a part-time job. I don't have any money left anymore. Sooyoung just gives me the cotton candy for free. She paid it by herself and I thanked her for doing that. Sooyoung is really a good friend.

On our way back in our dorm, I saw a bulletin board of part-time jobs. I told Sooyoung that she can go in the dorm already because I still have to find a job. Sooyoung leaves and I came closer to the bulletin board to take a look.

There are many part-time jobs offered. I decided to get a part-time job in a store here which is the bakery shop. I pulled out the poster of 'Hiring vendors for Bakery Shop'. I went to the address of the shop immediatley.

-Bakery Shop | 3:00 PM | Yoona-

I went in and there was only 3 people or costumers. I went directly to the sales lady and asked her if they are still hiring vendors. She told me that hiring is already closed because many are already hired. I just thanked her and left.

I went back at the place where I saw the bulletin board. I looked closely at the list of the part-time jobs that are offered. I saw another good part-time job which is the librarian. I love books. I pulled that poster and went to the library.

-Library | 3:30 PM | Yoona-

I asked the librarian if they are still hiring librarians and she answered that they are no longer hiring librarians.

Why is it so hard to find a part-time job if the people here are very rich and don't need a job?

I went back again to the place where I saw the bulletin board. Another part-time job that is intresting is what I saw. It is being a volleyball player. Yeah, it's not a part-time job but it says that we can earn money just by being a volleyball varsity player. I do know how to play volleyball so I pulled that poster out again.

-Gymnasium | 4:15 PM | Yoona-

I asked the girl or the coach if she is still getting volleyball players. What she answered is......... NO, SHE ISN'T GETTING VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS ANYMORE.


Rich people dosen't even play volleyball. This is so hard. I have to go back to my dorm now. I am gonna search for a job once again tomorrow. I won't give up until I earn money.

A/N: Heya! Sorry for late update. No internet in the hotel we got in. Please wait for next update. Thanks!


ORIGINAL Details~~~
Date Finished: April 26, 2014
Time Finished: 2:35 PM

Date Published: April 27, 2014
Time Published: 12:03 PM

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