Chapter 11: Contest to Reality?

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-3:00 PM | Yoona-

Classes are finished so I went to the principal's office since the principal asles me to.

-3:30 PM | Yoona-

I reached the principal's office and went in. There were 2 boys and 1 girl. They were facing the principal. I grabbed the black handkerchief and put it on my face since the principal asked me too. One guard guided me to the vacant seat that I am going to sit on. When I sat down, the door closed.

"Goodafternoon. I am principal Lera. In a few minutes the guards will come and fetch you for the Idol University Model Contest. Your first day starts tomorrow and will be held in an idol university called Mei Jing Idol University. It is in China. You will leave this school for the contest. You will only meet the people who will participate when you are all already in MJIU. You can only take off the handkerchief when you are already in the car. The four of you still won't see each other. And we are sure about that. Your luggages are already ready and already in the car. Goodluck." Principal Lera explained and guards fetched us

-3:45 PM | Yoona-

As soon as I rode the car and felt that the car is moving, I asked the driver if I can take off the hankerchief already. He answered by telling me that I can. I did take off the handkerchief and looked around. Suddenly, I realized that I am actually riding in a limousine. That shocked me. It is my first time riding in a high class car. It's like I am already an idol. I was the only person there, together with the driver and two guards.

I wondered where the others are so I looked at the back window and saw another limousine that is color black and silver. I guess all of us have seperate cars to ride in. The guard told me that my luggages are just on the side and I saw two luggages and one backpack. One silver luggage and one gold luggage. And the backpack is color gray. All of my bag has my name on it but it is only a keychain. It says 'Im Yoona-Idol University Model Contestant'.

This is great. I can't believe this. I wish I own all this, especially the luggages and backpack. Those will help me travel all around the world unless I don't have that much money. Since I really like what I saw, I asked the guard about it.

"Excuse me. Sir. do I own all these?" I asked

"Yes ma'am. You do, except for the car." The guard said

"Wow, really?" I asked again

"Yes, ma'am." The guard answered

"Gomawo." I said

I stood up and grabbed the luggages and backpack. I opened the luggage and it has many different things in it. THAT AREN'T EVEN MINE. I told the guard that the things I saw isn't mine and the guard answered that the university gave it to us. In addition to what the guard said is that I should wear a formal wear when we reach the airport. I nodded and looked all the things in the bag.

I saw this good-looking t-shirt and skirt. The shirt is color silver and has a red heart on the middle. With cute little petals and doves on the sides. The skirt is not really short like a mini skirt. It is just a little bit short. It is color black. I also saw a black and white high cut shoes. I chose to wear those even though it is not that formal. At least I am not wearing something like I am at home.

I put all of what I have chosen to wear in my backpack so that I won't have any problems looking for it in my luggage. After that, I went back to my seat with a smiling face. Of course, I would smile. Who wouldn't smile when something like this happens?

-4:35 PM | Yoona-

After one hour we reached the airport. When I got out and looked at the back, there are no limousines anymore. I guess principal Lera is right that we will not see each other until we reach MJIU. When I got in the airport, the two bodyguards are at my side and there are too many reporters. I am not even that popular yet. As I walk on the RED CARPET. There were many reporters. Asking me something and some are taking pictures of me. The airport is crowded. The guard whispered me to answer some questions.

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