Chapter 16: Unexpected Accident

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-Luhans P.O.V-

I hid Yoona's diary back under her pillow and I pretended that I didn't read anything. I just looked up and thought about what am I gonna do.

"Everyone cover your face with your hands and arms!!" The driver said and I looked at the road

We were heading towards the truck. The truck lost control and was heading towards us. When I saw the truck, I went down the bed by jumping and not using the stairs.

"Jessica! Hold Yoona and protect yourselves!!" I said as I protect myself and Donghae

Jessica follows what I said. The driver stepped on the brakes very hard but the truck kept moving and so our van and the truck crashed to each other.

"Everyone!! Get out of the van! This car is about to explode!!! I'll bring your bags as soon as possible! Get out now and hide behind a rock or get away from this van and the truck." The driver said

"Donghae hyung!!! Let's get outt'a here. This van's about to explode." I shouted while shaking Donghae to wake him up

"Jessica, go out with Donghae. Grab as many luggages or backpacks as possible! I don't want our driver to carry too much and sacrifice hisself! I'll carry Yoona!" I shouted and then I grabbed her diary and put it in her backpack

I carried my backpack and put it on my back. I grabbed Yoona's backpack and I told Yoona to hold it. When I carry her, she should place it on her stomach or she should just grab it. When I carried her she placed her bag on her stomach and holded it so that it won't fall down.

"Jessica, Donghae! Carry your backpacks and luggages. I'll carry Yoona and Luhan's luggages." The driver said

Jessica and Donghae left the van with their backpack and luggage. The driver also left already with Yoona and my luggage. I ran out of the van but Yoona's favorite keychain which has her name on it fell off her bag. I called Donghae when I already got out. I told him to carry Yoona and go to a safe place. After that, I went back.

"Luhan!!! Don't go back!!" The driver shouted but I still went in the van

I looked for her keychain. It was very hard to find it but after a few seconds, I saw it shinning and so I grabbed it and went out of the van. I ran towards where Yoona and the others are hiding. When I hid already, the truck and van explode.

"Yoona!" Donghae said and I looked at Yoona

"Yoona, what happened to your hand. Why is it bleeding?!" Jessica asked

"The broken glass stabbed my hand. When Luhan oppa carried me, my hand was already bleeding. The glass broke when we hit the van." Yoona explained

"I'll call the for help. We are on the mountain and not on the road so it's hard to call or help since there aren't so much people or cars crossing by." The driver said

"Do you guys have a towel?" I asked and Donghae gives me a towel

"Donghae, you decide if you want to carry her or just put her down." I said

"Ok wait. I'll put her down. Yoona, you're heavy." Donghae said and put Yoona down

I tied the towel around Yoona's hand to reduce the bleeding. It's raining so hard. The driver told us that help will come but it will be slow because of the strong rain. Jessica ties Yoona's hair. 

-After a few minutes | Yoona-

Help comes and they let us in the car. Luhan helped me go in the car. The police told us that they only need one witness of the accident. The driver quickly raised his hand as he approaches the police.

"Are those your kids?" The police asked

"No officer. They were supposed to be in a reality show called "Housemates" but they don't want to continue the reality show so they left and we are off to a condominium. We will wait for the airplane tickets that's why we will got to the condominium." The driver explained

"What happened to the girl?" Officer asked

"When our van and the car crashed to each other, the glass broke and it stabbed her hand. Her ankle is just sprained so we put a bandage on it." The driver answered

"Please call her." The officer asked

" Yoona!" The driver shouted and I stood beside the driver

"Please stay in the ambulance car for a while. The nurses will just apply medicine on your wound." Officer said and I went in the ambulance car with Jessica unnie

I sat down and the nurse takes off the towel. The nurse told me to come with her and wash my hands. I washed my hands and it hurts a bit. We sat down again and the nurse applies the medicine. It dosen't hurt that much. After the nurse applied medicine, gets a cotton and placed it on my wound and then she cuts the bandage and she wrapped it around my wound. She placed my leg on her thigh slowly so that she could renew the bandage. She cuts the bandage a gain and she wrapped it  around my ankle. She told me that my ankle sprain will heal more fastly if I apply the thing she gave me. 

"Get well soon ms." The nurse said and I thanked her with a smile

Jessica unnie and I went back in the police car.

"What is the name of the condominium where they will stay?" The officer asked

"Emerald Condominium." The driver asked

"Ok then. I will drive them there..." The officer said

"And they will drive you back at the police station." The officer continued as he points the two officers who are standing next at their car

"Yes officer." The driver said with a nod

"I will come back at the police station and drive you to the condominium." The officer added

"Yes officer." The driver said and the officer pat his back

The officer rides inside the car that we are riding.

"Let's go. Just tell me if there is something you need." Officer said and started to drive

When I looked at our van and the truck that crashed to each other, the firefighters were already extuingishing the fire. The fire is really strong that the strong rain couldn't extuingish it. The investigators are all ready to investigate the event.

"Did you guys, at least see what happened exactly?" The officer asked

"When the driver told us to brace ourselves, I looked at what it was and what I saw is that the truck is going towards us already." Luhan explained

"Oh ok. I'll drive you to Emerald Condominium. That's where you'll stay." Officer said and we nodded

A/N: Hey, yo!!! For the ones who knew about Kris leaving exo, well it's true but he'll come back after about 7 or 6 months. The doctor just told him to stop his carrer for the meantime since he have a heart problem I think. Just search for more information. Thank you for everything!


Date Published: May 29, 2014
Time Published: 2:40 PM

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