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Nobody loves Halloween more then Dallas Winston and if he could he would make it Halloween all year round. every year The Curtis's would have a Halloween party and every year they would have story telling time where everyone would take turns getting up in front of every one and tell their best ghost story. and every year Dally would get up in front of everyone and tell the story of the headless horseman and each year he would make the story scarier but this year no one not even Dally would know that his story of the headless horseman has just came to life. but the two youngest greasers Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis would find out very soon that their friend Dally's story of the headless horseman has just came to life. they was in the park after Darry and Ponyboy had just got into a fight. when they saw some socs coming for them so they tried to make a run for it. but the socs had garbed Johnny and beat him up and they was drowning Pony. Johnny took out his switchblade and started towards them but before he could get to them the headless horseman appeared before them and saved Pony's and Johnny's lives and the socs ran off scared they was so scared that they said that would never jump the greasers ever again. and Johnny and Pony sit there not believing what they saw. Johnny asked Pony " Pony do you think we should tell the others about what we saw?" and Pony said " no Johnny we shouldn't because they wouldn't believe us." but they did tell Dally about what they saw. and about the headless horseman scaring off the socs. and Dally smiled and said " I told you the headless horseman was more than a ghost story."

THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN OF THE GREASERSWhere stories live. Discover now