Trench Five-0

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Okay guys. This is an idea I (Cris) have had for such a long time now, I've just had trouble figuring it out. Now I'll give you some background on the characters.


Okay, here we go with character backgrounds: NOTE - not all characters will be exactly correct to the show. There will be other characters added that change it up a bit!

Lieutenant Commander Steven J McGarrett: -'he is the leader of Five-0, (in story) has two sisters Cristina McGarrett & Mary-Ann McGarrett, he is dating Lieutenant Catherine Rollins, he is a former NAVY SEAL as well, mother, Doris, faked her own death, dad, John, was killed. (© Hawaii Five-0)

Lieutenant Catherine Rollins: -she is dating Steve, her sister is Jasmine Rollins, she is former NAVY Intelligence. (© Hawaii Five-0)

Cristina McGarrett: - (MY CHARACTER) she is Josh's girlfriend, Steve & Mary's sister, jasmine's best friend, she is very self-conscious, may suffer from EDs and stuff like that.

Mary-Ann McGarrett: - she is Steve & Cristina's sister, she has been in trouble previously but is better now.

(© Hawaii Five-0)

Josh Ramsay: -lead singer of Marianas Trench, Cristina's boyfriend, may suffer from EDs & stuff like that too.

Matt Webb: - Josh's best friend, Jasmine's boyfriend, guitarist in Marianas Trench.

Jasmine Rollins: - (MY CHARACTER) Catherine's sister, Cris's best friend, may suffer from EDs & stuff like that too.

Mike Ayley: -bassist for Marianas Trench, friend of Josh, Matt & Ian, Megan's boyfriend.

Ian Casselman: -drummer for Marianas Trench, friend of Josh, Matt & Mike, Kim's boyfriend.

Megan Edwards: -Mike's girlfriend, Catherine's friend.

Kim Bates: -Ian's girlfriend, Megan & Catherine's friend.

Detective Danny Williams: -detective with Five-0, is Grace's father, Steve's best friend, is divorced. (© Hawaii Five-0)

Lieutenant Chin Ho Kelly: -Kono's cousin, works with Five-0, has wife named Malia (she is not dead in this story). (© Hawaii Five-0)

Officer Kono Kalakawa: -Chin's cousin, boyfriend is Adam, Catherine's best friend. (© Hawaii Five-0)

Dr. Max Bergman: -the M.E for Five-0, girlfriend is Sabrina.

Grace Williams: -Danny's daughter, is about 10 years old, likes to think of everyone as her aunts/uncles. (© Hawaii Five-0)

Doris McGarrett: -Steve, Mary and Cris's mom, faked her own death, can be very mean and crazy sometimes. (© Hawaii Five-0)

Kamekona: -sells shrimp on the beach, is friend of Five-0. (© Hawaii Five-0)

Adam Noshimouri: -Kono's boyfriend, his brother works for the Yakusa (a gang). (© Hawaii Five-0)

Malia: Chin's wife (©Hawaii Five-0)

Okay, so I'm pretty sure that's all the characters. Um, many are just minor characters.

Main Characters:

Steve McGarrett, Catherine Rollins, Cristina McGarrett, Josh Ramsay, Danny Williams, Chin Ho Kelly, Kono Kalakawa, & Grace Williams (children that are born will probably be part of main characters)

Minor Characters:

Kim Bates, Megan Edwards, Doris McGarrett, Adam Noshimouri, Jasmine Rollins (for a while), Mike Ayely, Matt Webb, Ian Casselman Max Bergman, Sabrina, Mary-Ann McGarrett, Malia, Kamekona, and any others I may have not described.

If they're not my characters (which is indicated) and they're not property of Hawaii Five-0 (which is indicated), then that means they are REAL LIFE PEOPLE.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii Five-0 or Marianas Trench! I would love to though, it'd be pretty cool! I do however own the characters that I've indicated to be mine. :)

Okay guys, I think it's time to get this story started! Please read, comment, vote, follow, and I promise first chapter will hopefully be up before tomorrow! :)

~Cris (so far this is a solo project but once Jaz catches up on the series she's gonna write too.)

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