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My heart skipped a beat, it was momentarily a strained atmosphere for me. My eyes were following him, he looks so good in that paired-up black tights and black linen tux over a plain black cottoned shirt. His hair was parted, his smile was priceless, seeing lots of his fans outside waving and cheering up for him, yet his eyes were searching for someone.

I immediately went back to my room and sat down on my chair. He's a celebrity? Is that why he doesn't want to mention anything about it? Why didn't he tell me? It's not like I'm going to act crazy about it. What is he doing here? I groaned out of frustration. Yes, I do miss you Jimin, but I got distracted by the thought of you earlier, and now you are showing up? Great. So much for the first day of school.

"Everyone, please head to the auditorium for an event, all students must be there at exactly 8:00 AM."

I'm pretty sure the event will contain Jimin's presence and all. Should I go? He'll see me then. I massaged my temple, my head hurts, why do I get such effects from him? It's not like he went here just for me. I mean, he asked about my school the other day, perhaps he really did want to see me?

No. He doesn't. He's a celebrity. Maybe I was just assuming things. I guess I better attend.


"Let's give a round of applause to one of the most influential idol in Korean industry, Mr. Park Jimin."

Everyone clapped and it kept ringing inside my head like a tocsin. I was standing further than where I intended to be, students already filled up the spaces and teachers already occupied the seats infront, so most of us who came late went standing at the tail of the auditorium, trying to sneak with our heels because we can't see properly considering it's too crowded inside, and those weren't surprising. The student's heavy anticipation to his objections on this particular event was very much obvious. From what I heard earlier it must've been a stressful yet divine footing to see a person who aspires you, very close and sit infront of you.

I, fortunately got a lucky glance, it was merely seconds, my eyes locked on him, he still had those glorious crescent eyes smile that's so hard to depart from my mind. I still can't believe he's here, I can't believe I'm seeing him again, the only thing that's different is that I look at him differently now. I suddenly felt so intimidated, awkward and small. He's a fucking celebrity! What was I thinking? I'll be damn lucky if he notices me, but that's just impossible to happen with all these fans and school staffs cornering him and getting his attention.

"What the fuck is with thirsty bunch of bitches? He's just a celebrity." He hissed, I looked for the owner of the voice and I figured that it was from a small grumpy looking man just half a meter away from me. I glared at him, as I averted my eyes somewhere else, and later figured out that I should just ditch the whole event because I can't seem to comprehend everything, it's too overwhelming. Plus, I can't see Jimin properly because of this crowd.

I walk outside the auditorium to the hallways using the door placed at the back, I can feel a heavy stare from the inside as I walk pass the auditorium's main door. I think it's a teacher, he or she might be deadass curious why I went outside while there's an event going on but I don't care anymore, I sighed in relief as I made it to the empty hallways, I should just go to our classroom.


Unluckily, I found out that our classroom was locked to prevent students from roaming around the campus and not listen to our guest speaker today, who happened to be Jimin. It turned out that my bladder was screaming like hell so I rushed to the bathroom and I almost trip as I bump into a familiar individual.



His presence got me enthralled. I was staring at him and he was shooting stares back. Constant whines drove my head back and forth as I register the sight of him in front of me.

"I missed you." His voice was a melting glory. I had never felt so down before.

"I.. I missed you too." His eyes went crescent as I replied. "Why are you here?" I managed to talk.

"I need to pee."

I scowl at him. "I mean, why are you in my school?"

"Well, I'll be handling a scholarship program here."

"A scholarship program?" I chuckled. I remembered his personal assistant's red flags about him not being so generous.

"What's so funny?" His face lit up, amused.

"As far as I know, you aren't the most bounteous person on Earth." I snickered, making my way towards the bathroom.

"Uno told you about it, didn't she?"

"Don't reprimand." I warned him, as I close the door of the cubicle.

He laughs. "I won't." As I hear his footsteps slightly disappearing.


I walk alone, slightly disappointed. I saw Jimin today and we didn't talk that much. When I saw him at the school's bathroom, he left already after such brief interaction. I thought we'll both exchange numbers and get in contact forever but I guess it's just me. It's just me hoping that that passing time heroic engagement that happened in New York would be so much more but it turned out it was just a cursory and I just have to bury it deep.

I sighed, kicking every stone that gets on my way. Why do I miss him? Why do I feel this way? Why--

I suddenly stopped as I heard a loud tooter from a car. I saw a black car tailing on me. I almost ran towards the bushes beside me but I tried to act cool and walked faster. I know how people tends to look at me like I'm an easy catch. Last time I was at New York, these two people were ready to pounce me like I wasn't a quarry worth to keep.

It was a brisk walk, until I heard a familiar voice. That sweet voice. It's his.


I turned my head around and saw Jimin's head popping out the car's window. My mouth agape. What is he doing here? Basically, when I think of him, he just pops out of nowhere. I stare at him for seconds as he waved his hands at me like an excited teenager. I stopped and got stuck at my position as the car did, and there was Jimin.. stepping out the car, ready to greet me.


"Hey." I want to hug him, but I remain composed. "Why are you here again? You're following me?"

"I wish I can defend myself on that sudden accusation, but yes. I am following you Mr. Jeon." He smirked at me, and I'm trying not to grin because this is what I wanted, for him and me to talk.

"Why? You missed me?"

"Stop blabbering nonsense? Now hop in to the car. I'm going to treat you tonight." He took my wrist and dragged me inside the car.

Well, I take that as a yes.


Hi sorry for the short/late update. I promise I'll make it up, there's too much school works and too much going on inside twitter. Anws, have a merry christmas and a happy new year!

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