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"Nightstar are you sure your all right?" Blackpaw, Nightstar's apprentice asked. "Yes I-I'm fine" Nightstar replied as she fell. Nightstar was bruised all over, she had nick in her ear, and a broken leg. Blackpaw wasn't as badly cut but he was pretty bruised.

Blackpaw helped his leader up then replied, ''How many lives do you have left?"

"One" Nightstar said. Blackpaw looked surprised. He thought Nightstar had 3 lives left. Nightstar saw Blackpaw's expression and mewed, "Don't worry. I'm not gonna do something stupid and loose my last life" Blackpaw nodded and stood still. He sniffed the air and scented more Sunclan cats.

Blackpaw looked at Nightstar, he could see panic on her face. "Run!" Nightstar yowled, but her cry was to late. The cats from Sunclan had already reached Blackpaw and Nightstar. They were surrounded and didn't know what to do. "What should we do?" Blackpaw whispered to Nightstar. "We fight" she replied. Nightstar has never back down from a fight before, but Blackpaw thought this was crazy. They were outnumbered and injured, there don't even stand a chance at winning. Nightstar looked at Blackpaw. She saw the panic on his face and mewed, "Don't worry. We're not gonna loose again" then smiled. Blackpaw smiled back.

The Sunclan deputy, Moonflower pounced on him and clawed his leg. Blackpaw threw her off then clawed her in the face. A black and white Tom pounced on Blackpaw, clawing his back. Blackpaw tried to throw him off but he couldn't. Blackpaw was too tired. The Tom pinned him down and clawed his belly. Blackpaw tried to bite the Tom but he couldn't do anything. Blackpaw looked around and saw that Moonflower had pinned Nightstar down too. Where's backup when you need it? Blackpaw thought to himself.

Suddenly someone came running and knocked the Tom off of Blackpaw. Blackpaw recognized that golden pelt that came to Blackpaw and Nightstar's aid. It was Blackpaw's friend, Goldpaw. Goldpaw wasn't alone though. Goldpaw had brought Clawface and Honeyflower.

Clawface had gotten Moonflower off of Nightstar and helped her up. "Blackpaw!" Clawface yowled. Blackpaw looked at Clawface. "Bring Nightstar back to camp" Blackpaw nodded but Nightstar refused. "I'm not going back to camp till I can get to the moonstone"

"But Nightstar! You can't! You have a broken leg and Sunclan won't allow you!" Honeyflower yowled.

"I don't care. That's why you guys are here"

Honeyflower nodded and Clawface meowed, "Nightstar you go. And take Blackpaw and Goldpaw with you. Honeyflower and I will stay here" Blackpaw, Goldpaw, and Nightstar all nodded and took off. Honeyflower was biting an orange Tom.

The three were running as fast they could eager to get out of Sunclan territory. Goldpaw and Blackpaw were helping Nightstar every time she fell.

"Why did Sunclan attack you?" Goldpaw asked.

"Well they did declare war on us last gathering but no ones supposed to attack us when we're journeying to the sunstone" Nightstar replied.

It took them till moonrise to get to the moonstone. When they were there Nightstar told Goldpaw and Blackpaw to wait outside. Goldpaw an Blackpaw did as they were told and stood outside.

"Hi" Goldpaw mewed eager to start a conversation.

"Hi. How did you know where to did us?" Blackpaw asked.

"How do you know it was me who found you?"

"Because you were the first one to get here"

Goldpaw looked at Blackpaw with a smile.

"Do you really wanna know?"

Blackpaw nodded.

"Promise you won't tell anyone? Nightstar already knows"

Blackpaw nodded. Goldpaw looked at her back then spread open two gigantic golden wings. Blackpaw stood in shock. He had known Goldpaw for as log as he could remember and he never noticed these. Goldpaw laughed. "I've kept then hidden. I don't want anyone to know. They might make fun of me"

"Why would anyone make fun if you? Your wings are cool" Blackpaw said with a smile. Goldpaw shrugged.

"I dunno. It's complicated" Blackpaw sighed.

"I'm tired" Blackpaw yawned.

"Me too" Goldpaw agreed. Goldpaw walked over to Blackpaw and sat next to him. She curled up into the closest thug she could get to a ball then fell asleep. Blackpaw did the same.


Sorry the prologue was so long. I just couldn't find a way to end it. I was gonna reveal Goldpaw's wings later in the book but I felt like revealing it now so that way stuff could happen in the book. And Goldpaw has her reasons to not wanna tell anyone about her wings. Reasons that will be explained later on in the story. Ok now back to writing.

The Snow's Vision **DISCONTINUED**Where stories live. Discover now