~Chapter Eight~ A New Friend

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I know, I know. I haven't updated in a while and I need to get on with the book. But I had writers block so it took me forever to think of something for Snowpaw to do in this chapter. And i literately just thought of what to make her do while i was writing this author's note in the beginning of my chapter. XD

So now i wanna dedicate this chapter to someone. I know I never dedicate chapters to people but now I wanna :P So I wanna dedicate this chapter to @IcecreamJoker10. She((I think its a she))is the first person to actually comment on this book besides @squinkies121. @IcecreamJoker10 I'm sorry i left you in suspense for a couple of days. XD AND NOW...ON WITH THE BOOK!!!!!!


~Chapter Eight~ ~A New Friend~

The badger continued waiting at the bottom of the tree. It was moon rise. Snowpaw didn't know what to do. She was getting hungry. She hadn't eaten since she woke up. Maybe I should wait till it's asleep. Then I can make a run for it. Snowpaw thought. But the badger didn't go to sleep. Snowpaw ended up falling asleep waiting for the perfect time to make a run for it. Snowpaw woke up at dawn. The badger was still there. Maybe the dawn patrol would find me. Snowpaw thought. Snowpaw saw something in the distance. It looked like an...apprentice? As the apprentice approached Snowpaw and the badger Snowpaw noticed something. The apprentice had wings!

The apprentice came closer and closer. The badger saw it and ran towards the apprentice. The apprentice just continued walking towards Snowpaw. The apprentice spread out it's wings and flew up in the tree Snowpaw was hiding in. "Hi!" The apprenticed meowed. Snowpaw stared at the apprentice. It was a golden she-cat with beautiful wings. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue, similar to Snowpaw's. Snowpaw sniffed the air. This cat was from Nightclan."...Hi" Snowpaw replied, confused why a Nightclan apprentice was standing next to Snowpaw in a tree. "I'm Goldpaw. I'm from Nightclan. I was chasing a rabbit and accidentally stumbled onto your territory when I saw you and the badger over here" Goldpaw explained. Goldpaw smiled. "Oh...-" Snowpaw looked at Goldpaw's wings. "-Are those....wings?" Snowpaw asked, even more confused. Goldpaw turned her head to look at her wings. "These? Ya, they're wings" Goldpaw replied. Snowpaw stared in amazement.

"Whoa...How do you have wings?" Snowpaw asked.

"I dunno. I was born with them"

"Does your clan know about them?"

"Nope. Only Nightstar and my friend, Blackpaw know about them"

"How old are you?"

"6 moons, You?"

"Same. Are we gonna get out of this tree or not?"

"Oh yea right" Goldpaw smiled. Goldpaw flew out of the tree and Snowpaw climbed down cautiously. "So, What's your name?" Goldpaw asked, still smiling. "Snowpaw. I better get going. My clan mates are probably worring about me" Snowpaw said. "Oh yea. I'll probably see you at the next gathering" Goldpaw mewed. "Probably" Snowpaw replied. The two cats parted ways. Goldpaw going in the direction of Nightclan and Snowpaw in the direction of Forestclan.

~Time Skip~ ~A Few Minutes Later~ ((I'm doing time skips now XD))

Snowpaw entered the camp. Birchpaw and Oakpaw walked up to her. "Where have you been?" Birchpaw and Oakpaw asked in unison. "Badger" Snowpaw replied and walked towards the Leafstar's den. I should probably tell Leafstar about the badger. Snowpaw thought. Snowpaw entered Leafstar's den. "What is it? And where have you been?" Leafstar asked. "When we were coming back from our search I found a badger's den near the lake. It chased me up a tree and I was forced to stay there over night" Snowpaw explained. Leafstar nodded. "I'll tell the clan to stay away from the lake for a little while" Leafstar decided. Leafstar walked out of her den and called a clan meeting. She jumped on the high stump and yelled the familiar call. Everyone took their places and Leafstar began. "We have spotted a bagder near the lake and I wish that everyone stays away from there for a while. That is all" Leafstar dismissed the clan and everyone went back to what they were doing.

Snowpaw walked over to the fresh kill pile and grabbed a vole to satisfy her hunger. She walked over to Birchpaw, Oakpaw, Windpaw, and Stormpaw and sat down with them. She started eating as she joined the conversation. "What are you guys talking about?" Snowpaw asked. "N-nothing" Stormpaw said while blushing. Snowpaw saw Windpaw glare at Stormpaw. "Well, changing the subject, what happened with the badger?" Birchpaw asked. Snowpaw ended up telling them everything that happened with the badger and Goldpaw. They stayed up till midnight talking about it.

Oakpaw yawned. "Im going to sleep now" He meowed. He walked inside the apprentices den and Stormpaw followed him. Snowpaw watched them go and when they were out of sight she turned back to Birchpaw and Windpaw. "Can I tell you guys something?" Snowpaw asked. "Sure" Birchpaw and Windpaw replied. "Well...I-i'e been having weird dreams lately. A-and I think their prophecies...from Starclan" Snowpaw said. Birchpaw and Windpaw stared in shock. "What did Starclan say?" Windpaw asked. Snowpaw closed her eyes, remember what her mother told her by the lake in that dream. She remembered it so clearly. "Five cats, Frozen Storm, Birch Oaks, and Blowing Feathers, chosen by Starclan must save the Forest, the Night, the Water, and the Sun from the destruction of Black Ashes and Golden Wings" Snowpaw replied.

Birchpaw and Windpaw stared at Snowpaw in silence for a few moments. "I don't know who those cats are but Starclan made it clear that they need to save the four clans. Because if you think about it the Forest would be our clan, the Night would be Nightclan, the Water would be Waterclan, and the Sun would be Sunclan" Birchpaw mewed. Snowpaw thought about what Birchpaw had just said. It made sense. "But who could those cats be?" Windpaw asked, confused. "I don't know" Snowpaw replied.



Ello! I hope you're enjoying the book so far! :D Ugh this chapter is short >.< I'll try to make the next chapter long :P I'm planning on putting a little bit of romance into the next chapter and maybe another prophecy. Anyways I'd like to hear who you guys thik is involved in the prophecy :P ((It's obvious)) Ok so...um...uh... BYE!

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