Chapter Seven

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Cameron is lifting Timmy into the car when I get back from dropping Emilia off at school. When he steps back from the door, I see Timmy staring into space with a cloth wrapped around his head. Hayley appears at my side, squeezing my forearm gently, and I'm grateful for it, scared she blames me too.

"How're things?" I say, stuffing my keys into my coat pocket.

"We're taking him to A&E to get his head checked out. It's bleeding near his ear. It'll probably need glueing," Hayley says, stepping back so Cameron can close the car door.

I step forward, grabbing his arm. "I'll come with you. Just let me grab my phone."

Cameron stares down at me, his fingers cupping my jaw. "I'm sorry for shouting. I didn't mean to take it out on you."

I smile. "It's okay. You're worried. I get it."

He dips his head down to lay a small kiss on me. "I'm a dick. Go inside and relax. We'll be waiting around in A&E for ages, no doubt, so you might as well stay here."

"I want to be there for you, though."

Cameron smiles when he says, "And you are. But, it seems pointless having us all there. I'll call if anything changes."

"Okay," I nod, not wanting to keep them standing around for too long. "I might text Josh to see if he's got any appointments for a workout."

Cameron nods. "Good idea. Be in touch."

They leave with Hayley following behind them in her flashy sports car, while I rush upstairs, throwing on some shorts and a t-shirt, and then my gym shoes before locking the front door. The gym is steady when I scan my key fob and get inside. The treadmills and exercise bikes free to use. I hop on the treadmill and walk at about 6mph, waiting for Josh to finish up with his client.

It feels like forever since I did any exercise. My time swallowed up by work and family. I need to get back into it, as it's a good way for me to channel my stress.

"Hello, how're things?" Josh says, his son, George, hanging onto his shoulders, legs dangling down his back.

I nod. "Good, you free for a session? I would have called, but me coming here was last minute."

George gives me a big grin, his cheeks dimpling on both sides, black hair sticking up in every direction as his deep blue eyes dance with mischief. Leo, George's twin brother, is in the background, holding onto Tabitha, Josh's wife's hand.

Josh grabs George's hands, so he doesn't slip, the three-year-old wriggling all over the place. "Yeah, I have a free spot in five minutes before my next client."

"Great stuff," I say, waving to Tabitha when she strolls over here, Leo trailing beside her.

"Diana, long time no see," she says, resting her hand on top of Leo's blonde head.

I glance down at her rounded belly and smile, knowing how adamant she was about a fourth child. It looks like Josh is a convincing man. I point to her stomach. "Well, that popped out of nowhere. How many weeks?"

Tabitha tries not to grin. "Seventeen. I'm showing bigger this time around."

I slow down the treadmill a pace or two, not wanting to pant in her face. "Congratulations all the same. Where's Megan? At preschool?"

Tabitha tilts her wrist to check her watch. "Yeah, I'm going to have to rush off, or I'll miss pick up time."

Josh kneels down, dropping George on the floor where he grabs hold of his mum's outstretched hand. "Threaten to take away her toys if she doesn't eat lunch today. It's getting silly now. The girl will waste away to nothing."

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