Chapter Sixteen

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I dismount Buster at the gate and roll my stirrups up, opening the yard gate to bring him inside the stable yard. Sophie takes him from me and starts to lead him to his stable where some patients have bedded the horses down for the night. I take off my riding hat and scratch around my hairline. It always gets extra warm in that area and itches like mad.

"Oh, Diana, one of the patients came around here asking for you," Richard says, carting two water buckets across the yard.

I run my palm over my hair to make sure no bits are sticking up. "Who was that, Ricky?"

Richard stops, putting the buckets down on the floor. The water spilling over the sides at the force of it. "The quiet guy. Bret, I think his name is. From the army."

I nod. "I know who you mean. I'll bet it's about accommodations. I'll go look for him."

"All right," he smiles at me, picking up the water buckets to carry them to the stable.

I go to the tack room and put my riding hat into the lockers, pulling out my trainers to change into from the leather boots. It's starting to rain when I make my way to the reception. The fluffy jumper I'm wearing soaking through in no time.

I'm running with no coordination, terrified that I'm going to slip on the wet pavement. It goes like ice at even the sight of any water. In reality, it's a health and safety risk that we need to get sorted. But, like everyone else in this world, we're just too busy to sort out the silly little jobs.

I head for the cat houses and duck undercover when the rain seems to get heavier, almost crashing into a solid body in the process. Bret wraps his arms around my shoulders to steady me, our mouths seeming to get closer when I shuffle around uncomfortably. He lets go, and I take a few staggered steps back.

Bret tries to smile through a laugh. "Wet out there, huh?"

I laugh back. "Just a bit. Richard told me that you came looking for me. Everything okay?"

"Yeah," he nods a few times as if to get his point across. "I wanted to let you know that I managed to get a room. Your dad sorted it out for me."

"My dad's home from work?" I ask, wondering why he's back so early. It's usually eight in the evening before he even thinks about turning up.

Bret nods. "He said something about an early finish because he's earnt some time in lieu."

Fair enough then. "Are you comfortable with the room you got?"


And suddenly it's awkward again. I turn to leave. "Good."

Bret places a hand on my shoulder to grab my attention. It works. I stop to look at him. "My, er, an old friend just opened a coffee house a town away from here. It's a late night coffee house, and she's booked a cool band for the opening night. I have two tickets. Do you want to go?"

I'll be honest. I'm a little shocked by his invitation. From past arguments, I figured we just weren't meant to be around each other. But, maybe this olive branch means we could try to get along and become friends.

And, I do love quirky coffee shops that have tiny stages for bands to perform on. It reminds me of the Central Perk cafe from Friends.

"Yeah. What time are the band playing?"

Bret's expression softens. "They play at quarter to nine. But, Sadie is putting on an opening party before then. We need to be there at seven pm."

Let's face it - I have no plans. I'd only be sitting around at the house feeling sorry for myself and my situation. I need to get out there and start experiencing life.

Not My Brute (Angels of War Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now