Chapter Twenty-two

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I don't see Bret for a few days after the meal at La Belle, life seeming to be too busy. I saw him in passing yesterday evening when he was rushing to get back home for Oscar's hospital appointment. And, I didn't think it right to keep him back any longer, so I let him go.

To be polite, I messaged him on Messenger that night, asking how the appointment went and he replied that all went well. We fell into a bit of a conversation then, but it stopped as soon as it got going. I haven't heard from Cameron either, which I'm glad about. Hayley called the day after he attacked me, asking if I needed anything.

Apparently, Cameron called her up and confessed everything. She said it's the calmest conversation they've ever had and for once she felt sorry for him. I don't feel sorry for him, however, and Hayley doesn't expect me to. That's what I like about her. Her level head.

Cameron may not have called, but he did send me an email. A long one that took me over five minutes to read. It started with him apologising for the other night, telling me that he doesn't expect for me to forgive him. Good, because, I won't. Not now at least. Going on to list every reason why he ever loved me. I'll admit, that bit stung. I'm only human, and he was my entire universe once upon a time, but it's all in the past now, and we both need to move on.

I think he recognises his wrongdoings, which is a good thing. At least, now he can work on being a better co-parent to Hayley and dad to his children. If he stopped thinking about himself, his life would be a lot more exciting.

My body bounces on the mattress when I throw myself down after a four-mile run, trying to grab the energy from somewhere inside myself to take a shower. I'm sweaty and probably smell, but I'm feeling lazy today.

I stare up at the ceiling and feel proud of my twenty-five minute time. That's six and a bit minutes per mile. An improvement from the eleven minutes I used to manage. Josh would most definitely high-five me.

There's a knock on the door, and my dad's handsome face appears, pulling an excited laugh from me. He grins, "Sweetheart, how you doing?"

With a sudden burst of energy, I spring up and leap off the bed, not acting my age at all. Dad catches me in his arms, kissing the side of my head. "I'm good. How was work?"

"Good to know. Work is work. You had a good day?"

I pull away when I worry my dad's having to endure my sweatiness. "A busy day but it's all fun."

"You been out running?" he says, giving me a comforting smile, tugging his tie from around his neck.

"Yeah, I needed to get one in this week," I respond.

We turn to the door when mum shouts for my dad to get his warmed up dinner. I let him go, using the fact I'm standing up as an excuse to get my bum in the shower. Dad goes to leave the room in time with my phone vibrating against the bedside cabinet.

Dad turns back to me. "It Jenny or the kids?"


The message pops up when I click on it. "No, another friend."

"A guy friend?"

The corners of my eyes squint together at his question. "Did you talk to mum?"

He's bloody well blushing!

I cross my arms over my chest. "What did she say?"

"Nothing," he responds, a little too quick for my liking. "Just a guess, darling."

"Um-hm," I respond to the sound of mum shouting for him to hurry his ungrateful arse up. I snort to which my dad chuckles, rolling his eyes.

"That's my lovely wife," he says, heading for the stairs.

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