Chapter Thirty-two

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Three weeks and four days later...

I head towards baggage claim ready to collect my bags. I'm tired and in desperate need of a comfortable bed and a cup of tea. It feels like forever since I left England and I'm more than ready to be back. I'm expecting to see my mum waiting for me at the terminal exit as all the messages I had for the past week from her is sad face emoji's and 'Missing You!'.

Bret messaged me a few times too, sending me pictures of Oscar with the animals at the sanctuary and Buster sleeping on his bed - he volunteered to take the crazy dog home for a few days while mum was trying to introduce the new Border Collie puppy to the pack.

Buster is too excitable not to scare the puppy half to death and by the looks of the pictures he's taken a shining to army man too.

I find my case in no time, dragging it off of the luggage carrousel before it takes it away from me. The other people who were on my flight wait back as the staff behind the scenes load on even more bags. The first thing I noticed when I got off of the plane was how cold it felt, the second that I was desperate for a wee.

I should've used the toilet on the plane. It would've made more sense than holding on for the entire journey because my mind kept reminding me of the time the lock broke when I was younger on a flight to Portugal with my parents and I wound up sitting on the toilet lid until the plane landed and maintenance could get on board to help.

As I'm making my way down the corridor towards the exit, I spot a sign for the ladies toilets. There's no queue, so I'm in and out in no time, making my way to see my family. I see my mum before she sees me. It's at no surprise that she's talking to a stranger, her arm movements big as she no doubt tries to get her point across. It's her accent that stops her confidence to be herself. It always has for as long as I can remember.

My feet skid a little as I power-walk her way, feeling all of my emotions merge into one as it hits me how much I've missed home. During a rather excitable wave of her arm, she turns my way, stopping dead for a few seconds before ditching her new friend to run my way.

"Oh, my beautiful baby," she says, grabbing hold of my head to plant several kisses on my face, aiming for my cheeks to place two long smooches. "You're so beautiful. Wow. Aren't you the prettiest girl in the world? I love you, baby. Goodness, how I missed you!"

I can't help but laugh at her. "I love you more, Mum."

Taking me in her arms, she squeezes hard. "You just wait until that guy of yours sees you. He'll die on the spot!"

My eyes automatically scan the area, seeing nothing but travellers with their luggage bags. "Bret's here?"

Edging back, she suddenly looks wary. "In the car. I hope you don't mind? He insisted on joining me."

Gritting my jaw, I try to calm down, not wanting to take this out on her. "It's fine. I just wanted to spend this time with you...alone."

Mum eyes soften in guilt. "I'm sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing by you by letting him come along."

"It's not your fault. I want to speak to him. Just not right now," I respond, placing a single kiss on her cheek, not wanting her to worry.

I need a long hot shower first and a few hours kip before having to face Bret. In my head, I planned for us to meet a few days after I arrived home, wanting to feel myself before unearthing all of what could be in our relationship. But then, I haven't been near him for several weeks. In his eyes, I'm sure that's enough time and a part of me has to agree.

"The man has been beside himself for as long as you were away."

Linking arms, we head towards the exit doors. I keep close to my mum, feeling my anxiety skyrocket. We walk past the taxi ranks and cut across the road, joining on the long pathway leading towards the car park.

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