Chapter Fifteen

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I spread butter over the slices of toast and make sure to add an extra sugar to my mum's coffee. It's the morning after the night before and she's feeling worse for wear. I heard her snapping at my poor Dad before he went out to work this morning and she spoke in only groans when I popped into her bedroom to ask how she was feeling.

It's funny because she's the one always telling everyone of how she never gets hangovers, yet in real life; she always gets hangovers.

There's a shuffling sound telling me she's decided to surface from her cave. I turn around and see her approaching the fridge, dressing gown hood up and over her head to conceal part of her face. The jars in the fridge rattle when she closes the fridge door, holding the water jug in her hand.

I lift up the plate of toast and give it her way. "I made you three slices. You better eat up before you feel sick."

"I already do feel sick. I think it's a bug," she says, pouring a big glass of water before chugging it down in four long swigs.

I giggle. "Yeah, course it is. I don't suppose it has anything to do with the two bottles of wine you drank to yourself, does it?"

Mum bites off the crusts first before getting to the buttery bread. She's always eaten this way and it's something I've picked up too. "It might do," she smiles a fraction.

I pick up the dishcloth from the soapy water and wipe away the fallen crumbs. "I think you should go back to bed and chill for a bit. See if you can warn away this bug."

"Good idea," she raises her voice, cringing after as her head is obviously hurting. "I could do with another few hours. You can hold the fort while I sleep?"

I run the dishcloth over the rest of the kitchen tops and cooker. "I'm more than sure. It's a slow day today anyway. I'll probably take the horses out for a canter in the woods."

"Be careful. I don't like you out riding on your own."

"I'll be fine. I always wear a hat and my bum sticks like glue to a saddle. I've done all my falling off already."

"You never know with horses, missy. Take your phone with you please," she replies, rubbing at her temples, walking out of the room when I tell her to get back in her bed.

Later that morning, I'm holed up in the office, sorting out bills and patient paperwork when the door chimes and Bret walks inside. I smile, knowing not to be too friendly. It's bitten me on the arse every other time, so I'm playing it cool.

"Morning," he says, closing the door behind him and strolling to my desk. "Do you have any free spots for me today?"

He came all the way out here without an appointment?

I look at the planner in front of me and see that Jensen called in sick. I nod. "Yeah, one space with the cats."

"Perfect," he hovers around me. "So, how're you after last night?"

I give him a look that says I don't have time to talk and shrug my shoulders. "Fine."

Fine never actually means you're okay, but I'm feeling bitchy today. Sue me.

He sighs. "Shall I just go out there and find the team leader for today?"

The register scrapes along the table when I push it his way, the pen rolling towards his hand. "Sign in first, please."

Bret waits back a moment and then picks up the ballpoint and scribbles down his name. "There was a massive crash on the A3885. They diverted the traffic. Looked pretty serious."

Not My Brute (Angels of War Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now