Chapter Thirteen

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"Here's your toast, sweetheart. Eat up."

I work my way to the top of the bed and rest my back against the headboard, taking the plate from my mother who's not left my side since arriving here two days ago. All we've done is talk about Cameron, the kids and her brood of animals.

"Thanks," I say, picking up a piece of the perfectly buttered rye bread. "You not eating?"

Mum shakes her head. "I ate while you were sleeping. You fancy venturing out of here today? Help out with the animals."

I nod, knowing I need to get my butt outside. "Yeah, I can help out on the reception too if you want?"

"I do. It's good to see you out and about," she sits next to me and straightens out the duvet. "You still cut up over the kids?"

My eyes fill with water when I remember Timmy and Emilia. I have a feeling that they will for a while. "Yeah. I'm missing them."

Cameron wants to separate my time with the family, so the children don't expect for me to be there all of the time.

"You're bound to be," she whispers.

"Every day will get easier. I get to see them both this Saturday. I'm focusing on that."

Mum tucks her jet black hair behind her ear. "Baby steps, Diana. You must be missing Cameron too."

I miss the companionship. You don't spend two years with a person and not feel it when they're not there anymore.

It's strange.

"I've been rejecting his calls."

Surprise fills her gaze. "He's been trying to contact you?"

I bite into my piece of toast. "Every day."

"And, what does he say?"

I cover my mouth to stop the crumbs spilling out. "Asking me what he can do to get me back. Begging for a second chance."

"Oh, dear."

The edges of my toes scrape along the duvet when I shuffle around to get comfortable. "Yeah. It's hard to see him so torn up. I'm not used to it."

Mum slides her hand over to reach for mine to hold. "You're sure that this is what you want? It's no secret that I'm pleased you've ended things, but you being happy is my main priority."

I squeeze her fingers. "It feels like a weight is off of my shoulders. I wanted to break it off with him. And, I'm happy that I did."

"You need to give yourself some time," she smiles in the way only a mother can. Love oozing out of the gesture. "You're allowed to feel sad if you want, and you're allowed to feel happiness. There's no book out there that tells you how to deal with a breakup."

I study her face. "I know, Mum," my eyes narrow. "Something's different about you."

"Different about me how?" she responds.

"New glasses," they're round and pink in colour.

"Oh, yes! The young girl who served me in Specsavers talked me into them. Thoughts?"

The shape suits her heart face and high cheekbones. "I love them. What does dad think?"

"Pfft," she rolls her eyes. "As if your father notices me. All he's bothered about is trying out his new gadgets."

I laugh. "Oh gosh, what's he into now?"

My dad is a definite tech-geek. Always having to have the latest phones and gadgets.

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