Chapter Eighteen

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I drop Mum off at the hospital door and circle the car park a few times to find a parking space. There's one right at the back in the far corner which isn't ideal, but if I don't take it, then I'll never find anywhere to park. Handbag in hand, I turn the engine off and climb out of my car.

As soon as my keys are secure in the pocket of my bag, my phone blares out. My fingers can't work quick enough in the cold, and I miss the call. But, whoever's down the line calls back straight after.

Hayley calling.

I answer right away, worried it has something to do with the kids. Cameron hasn't contacted me in a couple of days, so I'm out of the loop on their life. I'm supposed to be taking Emilia and Timmy out for breakfast on Saturday for a pre-Christmas holiday treat. They break up from school next Tuesday, and I like to get in on their excitement, making it all the more special for them.

I ordered Emilia some new horse riding clothes from an online store and spotted some half-price StarWars teddies on the reduced shelf at the supermarket, so I thought I could wrap those up for her and I got Timmy a few PlayStation games and a Games gift voucher.

For me, the best part about Christmas is giving gifts and watching the receivers faces. I enjoy the process of picking out the different presents, wrapping them up in fun gift wrap and storing them away for when Santa arrives.

"Hello?" I say, starting to walk across the hospital carpark, thinking my poor mum will begin to worry about me.

Hayley clears her throat. "Diana, hello!"

I stop for the car reversing out of the space, lifting my hand when they thank me for waiting. I smile at her friendly tone. Good. Nothing's wrong then. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine this end. I'm just worried about you. How're you doing?"

I head for the hospital entrance. "I'm doing well, thanks. Keeping busy. You know how it is."

"I do," she gives a gentle laugh. "I'm busy too. I go for my second ultrasound scan this week, and Emilia has her school play. That's another reason for calling you. I got you a ticket for the afternoon show tomorrow if you want it? Emmy's playing a Chewbacca in Jerusalem, as you probably already know, and she wants you there. Cameron won't be there. It'll be you and me."

"I'd love to come watch her. I wouldn't miss it for the world. What about T? Is he not in the play this year? I know he was poorly when they gave out the parts, but it's only fair to include him."

Hayley hums down the line. "I had a word with his teacher about them excluding him. Timmy wouldn't say it, but I know it hurt his feelings to be left out. They didn't even realise they were doing it, which I'm not sure I quite believe. But, Timmy ended up getting the part as the grumpy dad in the sketch his year are performing."

I say it without thinking. "Good job he gets lots of inspiration from his dad."

Hayley snorts and then lets out a loud laugh. I follow, staying outside the hospital entrance. "You're not wrong, Diana. Although, Cameron seems sad at the moment. You won't believe it, but he's skipped work for the past few weeks."

I find that hard to believe. "I don't believe you one bit."

"I know, right? But, it's true. He's pretty cut up about you leaving. Emilia keeps saying that she hears him crying at nighttime when she stays over there. But, she says she makes him feel better by giving him plenty of hugs and kisses."

A rush of pain strikes me directly in the heart, causing my eyes to mist over. "I need to go check up on him. I haven't seen him in days."

Hayley tuts down the line. "Not at all. You don't owe him a thing. But, at the same time - if it lessens your worry then visit him."

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