Part 1

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Sean sneakily watched all his fans leave the L.A. theater after the last show of his tour. The crowd had left him with so much energy that he was positive that he wouldn't get any sleep for a few hours, despite how late it was getting. When the last person had left, Sean finally pried himself out of hiding. He could now get back to his tour bus without the fear of being mobbed by his fans. He loved his fans, but the theater had its safety rules for a reason. Walking out to his tour bus, Jack stopped short. Mark was leaning back against the side of the bus and smiled when he saw him. As Sean approached, Mark clapped his hands and told him in a friendly tone. "Great job in there. You really held the crowd. I'm impressed." Sean jammed his hands into his jacket pockets, mumbling out a little embarrassed. "I didn't know you were watching. I thought you were too busy to come tonight?" Mark shrugged, leaning off the bus to say sweetly. "I decided some things were more important."

Sean raised an eyebrow, chuckling out lightly. "You didn't have to do that. You've seen my shows before." Mark's eyes never left his, upon telling him in a low voice. "It gets better every time I see it. YOU get better." Sean's cheeks started to burn and he cleared his throat. Something about the way Mark said that felt a bit too personal. Shuffling his feet a bit, Sean lowered his eyes to the pavement, mumbling out a little nervously. "Well, thank you for coming." Sean tried to shrink by him, but he only managed to get one foot on the bus steps.  Mark had reached out to block his path into the bus, whispering over his shoulder in a low sincere voice. "Jack... Why are you avoiding me lately?" Sean shrugged as his way of dodging the question. He hadn't been avoiding Mark as much as Mark was avoiding him. Mark's blunt rebuffs against 'Septiplier' had hurt him.

If that wasn't enough, Mark kept his distance as a way of keeping the 'Septiplier Ship' from rising from the dead. Lately though, Mark had tried to call him, but Sean would always let it go to voicemail in order to answer it with a simple text message. His fan-boy heart was literally crushed by Mark and he didn't really want him to hear it in his voice.  He just didn't know where he stood with Mark anymore.  Was he still his best friend?  Was he devastated because Mark had avoided him all this time?  He looked up to him so much.  He just wanted to go back to being friends again. Mark lowered his arm and Sean climbed into the bus without a word. Mark quickly followed close behind him, grabbing the lever to shut the bus door. The action caused Sean to stop dead in his tracks. This wasn't Mark's normal behavior. Mark straightened up to face him, telling him much more freely. "I need to tell you something." Sean shuffled his feet uncomfortably, but shrugged in silent acknowledgment. Mark licked his dry lips nervously, then told him in a bit of an anxious rush. "I think my reason for refuting Septiplier was taken wrong. I thought it was all in my head for the first few months, but now I know... You think I did it to hurt you."

Sean let out a small sigh, grumbling out cautiously. "Mark... Don't do this. Not now. I was having such a good day." Mark stepped closer to him, telling him seriously. "Just listen to me. Everything I have done and said was to stop the fans from pressuring me. The truth is that I've felt something between us for awhile. I just didn't want us to feel forced together. I wanted it to just happen naturally. So, I killed Septiplier... but not my feeling toward you. The fact that you have been avoiding my calls and refuse to even look at me anymore... It hurts me on a deep level. Now, I came here to tell you that I want to give us a shot... If you'll let me?" Sean shook his head, mumbling out without making eye contact with him. "What are you saying? That you did all this for us?" Mark raised a firm hand to slow him down, stating in an unwavering tone. "Yes. I want to do this for you. I really like you." Sean let out a heavy sigh, a bit surprised by this news.  Straightening up to his full height, he asked Mark curiously. "What did you have in mind exactly?" He didn't know how to react to all this.  It was so much to take in at once. 

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