Hospital Beds

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I walked along blindfolded

While you stood there ..

Watching me struggle to find safety.

I grab onto the air then I let it go

I'm starting to feel as sick as I was those years ago.

I feel each of the clouds' rain fall onto my cheeks

I cannot move nor can I open my eyes

And see the many living lives

Of those who love me

surrounding me

After months in that state

In this uncomfortable bed

I finally broke the chains that you had wrapped me in.

I opened my eyes

And all I could hear are my clouds' cries and feel them wrap their arms around me

Making me feel incredibly safe and impeccably soft.

Such a feeling didn't last for


You are back!
and I am ready to fight!

But why is it this time I am blinded?

I can feel your presence

Undeniably you are here.

But why must you watch me struggle?

I hear you take steps back as I take steps forward

I listen and feel your breaths in the air that feels so cold.

I may be blind but I can feel that this place here, is some sort of void


There is a way out

I just have to find it.

I stand tall and with confidence I speak

" I know you're here."


I clench my fists

But then I hear -

I can't quite make it out but I know it is calling for me.

I turn in every direction trying to figure out the source of this noise.

In frustration I scream and fall to my knees

" I may be desperate but I will NOT plea!"

The stench of blood now fills the room for now my salty waterfalls had turned into astray waterfalls of

More chains burst out from underground

And just as before they kept me bound

Like a snake, they slithered their way around my arms and though my body

Keeping me locked in this place that is so humid I'm starting to sweat.

Just when I thought that all hope was lost

I hear another sound

A sound so lovely I had to hear more

I don't know why but the chains I had felt

Suddenly disappeared

And I ran toward the sound that commanded me to be there as fast as the wind

I blink for my speed had caused my eyes to grow dry

And when I opened my eyes

I was gifted my sight

My body grows warm and my skin feels so free

I feel the most happiest thing that in reality no one could ever bring

A light comes in view and the beautiful sounds become stronger

I stop and turn behind me

To the other noise that had first wanted me.

If I were to describe the noise I'd have to say,

It sounds like person slowly taking a deep breath in and then heavily breathing out

Following that you can also hear a


Such a strange noise but it had kept me poised

Through every moment I was chained.

I am now torn between the two because both is what I want to choose

I have no idea what they may lead to

But deciding is what I must do.

I feel so lost and I know my time is growing smaller

"I shouldn't be given this must power!"

Perhaps I should stay here in the in between and be glad I even have my sight!


Light calls for me

But behind me darkness shouts for me.

I turn to the light and take a step closer,

Whispers are heard and I no longer feel smaller

I'm growing tall as I walk towards the light

And just before I reached out to touch,

I turn around and feel so crushed

I know which side means what now and I shed a tear

I step into the light ..

Finally I will feel safe again

In a better place

"I am home."

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