Sukor - Love doesn't need words

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....Suraj where r u?
Suraj; mummy I'm here 😊. Teju; Suraj meri jaan {my life} have some food. Suraj; mummy I'm working on this new tune listen to it..🎵🎶🎼🎸. Teju; it's beautiful. But ur papa said no music u should concentrate on ur studies. Suraj; mummy I don't want to be a business man like dada KN Rajvanshi. Teju; Suraj someday u have to grow up the music is a hobby not ur life n I promise u as long as it's possible I will help u to fullfill ur dream as it life. But u have to eat ur food I will somehow manage to convince ur father. Suraj; mummy 😊.

...Chakor how r u? Chakor; 👍😊.
Chakor gesture *how r u?* Kasturi; I'm fine my child. Today is very special u will get ur hearing implant then my daughter can hear 😢. Chakor was smiling n 😢 too. Her mother saved money to make it possible she should hear soon.

So this story is abt Suraj who is a musician n Chakor who is mute. Will Suraj dream come true? Will Suraj music fascinate Chakor?

These talks r now 10 ago.

Suraj; mummy I'm getting late...😕
Teju; I'm sorry beta I know u wanted to become a musician but ur father I tried my best. Suraj; mummy I know it's ok. I will somehow manage it.

Kasturi; Chakor. Chakor turned. Kasturi; meri bachi {my child} u have grown to a beautiful lady today the groom n his family is coming. Chakor gesture *they know I can't speak?* Kasturi; yes they know.

Suraj was at the office it was his first day he got introduced by the his father to the stuff. KN; announces  from today on he will manage this department if u need anything ask him. Suraj; Hi I'm happy to be here n work with u together for better future. They all clap.

Kasturi welcomes the groom family Mehra. Mrs. Mehra; Kasturi ur daughter is such a beauty. Chakor smiled n shyly looked down. The groom; can we talk alone?. Kasturi; sure. Chakor take him up to the roof.  Chakor nodded n went up with him. The groom; so u can hear me. Chakor nodded. The groom; Vishal is my name they shook hands. I have a gf I'm not allowed to say no but I'm sure u can. Make any excuse n we both will happily. Chakor got a shock but what could she do she nodded. They comes down. Mrs. Mehra; so my son. Vishal; yeah he said blushing down. Kasturi; Chakor? Chakor shook her head. Mrs. Mehra; y?. Kasturi; let me ask her. Mrs. Mehra; I won't stay any longer here to get insulted. Chakor waves with her hands to stopp them but no use they left.

Suraj first day at office was boring he was just sitting n waiting some1 comes n ask him. Anything.... Nothing. KN knocked at his cabin. Suraj; yes com in. KN; Suraj today I'm so proud of u. U joined me at my business. Suraj - I had no choice -. Thank u Papa for this opportunity. KN; I'm thinking of giving u a personal assistant? Suraj; y there is no need. KN; it will help u to reduce ur work. Suraj - hmm if i will give the work to some1 else I will have more time for my music 😊 -. Ok dad as u wish. KN; gud this is ur P.A. he opens the door n a women came in. Suraj - wow -. He stood up. KN; this is Tina Kapoor. Tina; Sir nice to meet u. Suraj shook her hand nice to meet u too.

Chakor was crying. Kasturi; he said no bcz he has a gf. But Chakor y u said no y didn't u tell the truth. Chakor *I couldn't he ask me to disagree to the wedding*. Kasturi; what now? Oh my child someday a man will come who will love u from each corner of his heart we just need to wait. Chakor thought - Maa I'm sorry but there will be no1 coming for me. I'm mute there is no future ☹ -.

Suraj n KN comes home. Teju; how was ur first day. Suraj; boring. KN; Suraj. Suraj; oh I got a P.A.. Teju; y?. Suraj; dad said to give work away. KN; it's right decision. Teju; u r not trying to get my son fall for any stupid girl. KN; no - y she always caught me -. Suraj; dad u r not trying. KN - He is his mother's son -. I said na nooo.

Chakor was fed up by duing nothing it's been now 6 months since the Mehra comes to see her.

Suraj 6 months of work n it's still boring n that stupid P.A. is gud for nothing she increase my work.

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