Late love #3 + epilogue

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Suraj slapped Chakor. As she said Raj is not his son.

Chakor has packed her belongings n left with Raj. Avni cried in her room. She was alone n hurt.

Suraj was lost all was gone by a moment of anger. He was sitting on the couch holding the picture of him with HIS FAMILY. But now there wasn't much left...

His parents turned their faces they don't want to have any relation with him. His daughter is angry she hates him n doesn't talk to him.

Months have passed n he was completely alone. It was middle of the night n he heard noises... he stood up n entered the room of his daughter. She was packing her stuff.

Suraj; what is going on r we planning to go for a holiday?!

She didn't talk to him neither she turns to him.

Suraj comes near he places his hand on her head but she jerked it away. Don't touch me!. I hate U I'm going to find my mother. I'm not like u... waiting for her to return! She won't come... u don't love her... 😢😭. She was hitting him.

Suraj lifts her n let her as it is the way to get over the anger to let it out...

I'm not waiting for her return I'm trying to find her but she has left without a sign. Not even her parents know where she is... come!

He went to his room which she hasn't entered since the incident happened. She didn't opened her eyes but Suraj made her sit on the bed... he opens his cupboard n a few files. He throw them on the bed...

Avni opens her eyes bcz of the sound... she saw his research work private detectives couldn't find her either...

Suraj knees in front of her. Avni I'm sorry I hurt ur mother... but I was hurt too... is it wrong to say Raj is my son?!

Avni cups her father's face.

Suraj; trust me I want her back like U.. not bcz of Raj... but bcz I... I have fallen for her... even I can't live without her but she is hiding...

Avni; then find her...

Suraj; will u help me?!.

Avni nods with a big smile...

Both took a nap...

Suraj was lost in a memory of them...

FB dream

Suraj!! Get up!

Suraj yawns. I'm tired Raj is taking a lot of attention.

Chakor; I know Thank U... A kiss on his cheek.

Suraj smiles. He turns n scratches his other cheek.

Chakor places a kiss there too.

Suraj smiles. He was trying to sleep but now he was awake.

Chakor was looking at him.

Suraj; what?!.

Chakor; now that Raj is growing we could go for an outdoor travel?!.

Suraj; no he is still small. He can fall ill no we can't risk his health...

Chakor pouts. Acha theek hai {it's ok}. But do u know where the most beautiful place is?!.

Suraj; Maa ki ghoodh main {on a mother's lap}.

Chakor; not bad Mr. Suraj not bad... I was talking abt Shimla... hehe 😉

Suraj; hehe.  he mimics

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