Heirship #3

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Recap: SuKor friendship and memories. Suraj decided to marry Chakor as her name was going to be defamed, because of their friendship.

Chakor was crying about her life. Now I will become a burden on him. He doesn't love me and is marrying me only because of his reputation. They don't care about me.

Suraj saw her. I'm so sorry Chakor. I don't know what else I should have done this moment. It come into my mind as the best decision. I know I have hurt you and I'm sorry for it.

The marriage rituals were done and Chakor become his wife. The destiny has played it game with her, but in the end she become his.

Suraj was looking at her, she was placed in the middle of the bed. He could hear her whimper. She was crying under her veil. I don't know Chakor what come into my mind, but what to do I couldn't let them point the finger on you or your character.

Chakor wasn't looking at him. I don't know what he wants from me. He doesn't love me, then why he marry me.

Suraj looked at her, he took the pillow and moved to the couch "Chakor you take rest on the bed and I will sleep here on the couch. We will talk about it tomorrow!".

Chakor lies down on the bed. She cries into her sleep. Suraj heard it, but was scared to console her.

At the next morning

It was early in the morning, Chakor was downstairs preparing the breakfast for the whole family. Suraj come down to his surprise all were behaving normally.

Chakor was in the kitchen, her hands were completely messed with the dough for the Parathe she wants to made. Today is my Rasooi I have to succeed in my first task.

Suraj was sitting on his regular seat next to KN, he saw the sweat on his father's temple "Papa what happen? Why are you so tensed?" He placed his hand on his and KN shook his head "Nothing!" He was scared of the upcoming food. He shrugs the thought aside and smiles lightly. "Don't forget you have to eat the food!"

Suraj nods with a weird feeling "Uhm Papa there is a problem, I need to visit the city! I..?" He lowers his gaze as Chakor come with the food, he was scared to talk about it in front of her. He doesn't want to hurt her.

Chakor was serving him then the food and Vivaan was frighten "Bhai careful yaar!" Suraj was confused and saw the paratha here.

Suraj widen his eyes "What is this?" Chakor looked at him "My homemade Parathe! Here eat, first one for you!" She put it in his plate and he smiles awkwardly "Thank you

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Suraj widen his eyes "What is this?" Chakor looked at him "My homemade Parathe! Here eat, first one for you!" She put it in his plate and he smiles awkwardly "Thank you..." he starts to eat it and KN was asking him "Suraj why you want to got to the city?" Chakor shocked.

Suraj looked at his father with a gaze, which said #Idiot#. "Haan I have to go to the city as I have to talk to Naina. I need to talk to her personally!" Chakor nods "Haan, eat now, my first Rasooi!" 

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