My strange love

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SophieNatalieJohnson user20724662 n Ahtina06 that is for u all hope u will like it.

So story starts with Imli kidnapping Chakor n bringing her to Suraj...

Suraj; Let me see the beauty who is hidden behind the scarf!.

Suraj; Let me see the beauty who is hidden behind the scarf!

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Suraj was carefully looking at her...
was it really Chakor... his Chakor... (yeah His Chakor I changed a bit😉).

Suraj looked at her - Naraz hai? {is she angry} -

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Suraj looked at her - Naraz hai? {is she angry} -.

Suraj looked at her - Naraz hai? {is she angry} -

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Suraj smirks - oh yeah she is angry... I couldn't hold on my promise -.

Chakor - who is he? Is this Suraj? -

Chakor - who is he? Is this Suraj? -

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