Nhok Jhok love #1

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So here some information.
Vivaan is not drug addicted. The story starts after the 10 years leap when Chakor returns back to Azaadghanj.

My fav scene

Suraj; Wah look at her

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Suraj; Wah look at her.., she is not anymore a village girl no she is now a city girl. Chakor Khanna rubber 501. Wah wah...

He comes near her to tease her but falls for her fragrance... he smiles the way of his smile let her anger vanished under his gaze the deep breath she was taking she doesn't know what was happening with her...

Suraj; nice... he was close to her ear the hot breath was stroking her. A shiver run down her spine. He removes the rope of her hands.

Imli; Suraj Babu if u want I will end this here n now!

Suraj looked at her in disgust. What did u say?!. U will end it here n now?! Y??? Papa clearly said he wants to meet Chakor alive as he would like to share some private talks with her.
He hold her chin. But Chakor hits his hand away.

Suraj; Jungli Billi... {wild cat} look what u did...

Imli; Suraj Babu... thaadh!!!

Chakor was holding her cheek. Imli... u slapped  me for him?!.

Suraj was confused too. Imli...!!!

Imli; ji Suraj Babu...

Suraj; who told u to slap her?! What do u abt to say that I'm not a man that I can't handle the situation by myself?!.

Imli; No Suraj Babu... I don't thought in this way never I would!

Suraj; Get Out all of u!

They all left n Suraj pulls her by her hairs. U know... they were just inches away... I will now take my revenge... he tries to kiss her but Chakor pushes him away.

Suraj was lying on the floor. Hmm it was to expect.

Chakor; ur father wanted to talk to me! Here I am!

Suraj; Haan Haan What will u do with that old man... the younger version is here. Have some fun with me...

Chakor; Chi...!

Suraj stood up n cleans his jeans he wore his shirt.

Chakor was looking at him with stolen gazes.

Chakor was looking at him with stolen gazes

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