Bridal swap - What if...

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Hi OS request by cute-devil
Imli makes the bridal swap

A similar requested by srilekshmi abt the bridal swap made by Chakor.

So it's a double treat first OS will be by Imli n second part will be by Chakor swap.

The story starts a bit different Suraj is ready to marry Imli! As he has started to fall for her but Imli isn't interested anymore as Suraj has no business n Vivaan stands on his own feet's.

The marriage took place n they took their blessings but then the veil were removed n all got shocked.

Chakor; Suraj?!. Tum {U}.
Suraj; Chakor what the hell?!. Where is Imli?
Chakor was crying. Where is Vivaan?!.

Imli n Vivaan were taking their rounds on the second mandap.

Sukor were watching how their loved ones r getting married.

Vivaan n Imli ended their wedding rituals.

Vivaan was shocked to see Chakor standing next to Suraj her hairline is filled n her neck is decorated with the nuptial chain.

Vivaan removes the veil of his bride. Imli?!.
Imli looked at Vivaan then to Sukor. She gulps in fear... Chakor!!! Chakor what u did?!.
She walks to her. What have u done?!. Look I'm married to Vivaan Babu not to Suraj Babu. U told me that Suraj agreed to marry me! Y u did this?! Y?!.

SuVaan looked at Chakor in disgust. U did this! Suraj shouts. Y u did this?!. I told u that I will accept Imli n my child I was ready I let Tina go! Still u interfere. Y?!

Imli; Suraj Babu... she was crying fake tears. She is jealous of us. Now she is the baari malkin of this Mansion. Being Vivaans wife would mean she is the 2nd DIL although she is elder than me! She wanted my status... Suraj Babu...

Suraj turns to Chakor his eyes were red n anger. U did this all to become the baari Malkin I will make ur life to hell Chakor! I had stopped making people Bandhua but u r my personal Bandhua my Bandhua Biwi.

Chakor; just shut up I'm not ur wife! Vivaan please listen to me I... Thaadh!!!!

Vivaan slapped her. Chakor! U r death for me!

Chakor couldn't believe all turned against her she the one who has saved them many times risking her own life just for them. But now all villager pointed the finger on her. Vivaan raised his hand on her n Suraj took an oath for his revenge.

But the one who had no real problem with the bridal swap was Imli she did this all by herself!

Chakor was crying bitterly something was fishy n Teju couldn't believe that Chakor, the one who had fought her whole life for their freedom would sloop so low. No!

Teju comes to Chakor she supports her. Suraj!

Suraj turns to his mother. Chakor is ur wife now no one has a right to hurt her she is from now on ur responsibility.

Suraj; Maa what r u saying we will get divorce asap n then Imli n me can marry!

Imli; No Suraj Babu I'm scared what she might do to my child if I again enter ur life.

Suraj gave Chakor a death glare. If something happens to my child then I will not leave U! Chakor!

Teju; Suraj!!! Thaadh!!!!

Suraj looked at his mother. She slapped him what she never does.

Suraj; Maa u slapped me for her!

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