Chapter 1 - The Start

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I yawned, trying to stay interested in whatever my boring English teacher was teaching. It was only the third week of school and I was already counting down the days of summer. I shifted myself to try and wake up. I was just waiting for the bell to ring. I couldn't help but notice annoying noise from the back corner of the room. I look back to see Taylor Caniff and his annoying friends talking. It was him, Nash, Matt, Shawn, Cameron, Jacob, Brent and Carter. The Jacks went to a different school and hayes was in a lower grade and went to a different school. I looked at Amanda and she had a disgusted look on her face. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. I shrugged my shoulders and then went back to listening to the teacher.

Mr. Miller; "class- we're gonna be starting a project. it's gonna be worth 85% of your grade. So- I suggest you take your time & do it write. It's gonna take the whole year to do. Your gonna have partners .. but I will be assigning the partner for you."

everyone in the class groaned.

Mr. Miller; "Before I assign the partners, I'm gonna tell you what the project is. And I'm not repeating myself so listen closely. And it might be smart to take notes."

I pulled out a notebook and started taking notes about the project and what had to be done and all the stuff that had to be done. The whole time he was talking I kept hoping that Amanda would be my partner. I mean, we're two of the smartest kids in class so this would fly by.

Mr. Miller finally stopped talking about the project and started naming off partners.

Mr. Miller; "Jasmine and Nash. Cheyenne and Cameron. Amanda and Brent."

Amanda's jaw dropped as soon as Mr. Miller said that. She couldn't stand Brent. It was like how I couldn't stand any of the popular kids. I mean, I wasn't really a "reject", I just stayed to myself. I only talked to Amanda. Sometimes I talked to my guy bestfriend Justin. Other then that I stayed to myself.

Mr. Miller; "Justin and Ashley. Alexis and Taylor."

My heart went to my stomach. Amanda slowly looked over at me. And then Taylor looked at me. He had a strange look on his face. But then I looked at Amanda and mouthed the words 'you got to be fucking kidding me'.

After that the bell rang. I walked out of the classroom and headed to my next class. Taylor walked out laughing with all his friends. I stopped and turned around and walked up to him.

Alexis; "When do you wanna work on this stupid ass project?"

Taylor and his friends all stopped laughing and looked at me.

Taylor; "Doesn't matter. You can come over on Friday. Come around six- later."

After that he walked away with all his friends and his annoying girlfriend Sydney.

I walked to my next class, which Taylor was also in.. And Amanda wasn't.

But it wasn't as bad because none of his friends were in it or his dumb ass girlfriend.

I ignored him and the fact that he's my partner and drugged thru the rest of the day.

The last bell rang and I went to my locker. Amanda was already at hers which is right next to mine.

She smiled at me.

Amanda; "Wanna come over later?"

Alexis; "No thanks. I'm gonna go home and take a nap and then I got some homework to do. Sorry tho.."

Amanda; "It's cool.. What about tomorrow?"

Alexis; "I can't. I'm going to Taylor's house to work on this project.."

Amanda; "Alright well, just text me then."

I smiled at Amanda and left to go to my car. When I got to my car my boyfriend Chase was leaning up against it.

Chase; "Hey baby"

I smiled at him and gave him a hug.

Chase; "Let's do something tomorrow. Anything. You pick."

He smiled as he talked, and his dimples were the cutest things ever.

Alexis; "I can't. I'm going over to Taylor Caniff's house.."

Chase; "What? Why?"

Alexis; "We got assigned a project to do together for Mr. Miller's class and it's worth 85% of our grade."

Chase; "Alright. But you better not do anything.."

I smiled and laughed a little bit and Chase smirked at me.

Alexis; "You got it babe."

Chase; "Alright, well I'll talk to you later."

After that Chase gave me a kiss on the lips and told me 'I love you' and I told him it back and then he left and I got in my car and went home. When I got home, I did some homework and then got in the shower and went to bed. When I woke up I curled my hair and got dressed and did my makeup and went to school.

I walked to my locker to get my books and Chase walked over to me as I was closing my locker door. He leaned up against Amanda's locker and smiled at me.

Chase; "Morning baby"

Alexis; "Hey"

I smiled at him and gave him a kiss. He smiled back at me and then Amanda came walking over.

Amanda; "Move it loser."

Chase started laughing and then moved out the way. Amanda got her stuff and then the bell rang.

Alexis; "I gotta get to class. Text me later."

Chase; "Alright baby. Love you."

Alexis; "Love you to"

After that me and Amanda walked to English class. We sat there listening to the teacher give a boring lesson. He also said that your not aloud to change partners and that no time will be provided in class. I sat there texting Chase. He was telling me how excited he was that our two year anniversary is in a week and he has big plans for us.

I noticed Amanda was texting too. Tbh, the whole class was texting. The bell finally rung and I got my stuff together and starting walking out when Taylor called my name.

Amanda; "I'll catch up with you later,"

Amanda smiled at me and then I stopped and everyone left but me and Taylor.

Taylor; "Uh- after school just meet me at my car and we can ride to my house to work on this gay ass project."

Taylor rolled his eyes and then looked at me.

Alexis; "Alright. Later."

After that I went to my next class. The day drugged on and I just wanted it to be over already.

Not because I was going to Taylor's house, but because I hate school.

I mean, Taylor's cute. But I'm dating Chase. I mean would I I'd rather date Taylor. No I wouldn't. Would I?

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