chapter 4

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Whitney POV

Everything i did here in LA since i met Ray involved me and her. Now that i was dating TYga all that changed. We wanted to be commited without anyone influencing us, not that we thought that Ray or Chris would influence us, its just that her and Chris playing round too much with each other.He like her, she like him nobody is stepping up that shit is aggravatiing. I'm wondering if I should tell Tyga about what Rayna told me. I would think about it he was coming over in a hour or so, so i would think about it as I cooked and gor dressed for the evening.

Tyga POV

Chris was over here we were playing Call Of Duty Ghosts. He was in his own world getting the team shot up and shit. "Bro what you doing your ass need to focus!" I yelled. He threw his cotroller down getting himself shot. "Bro, ya'll handle this" i said through the speaker. I sat my controller down " Nigga, you fucking up" He sighed, i really wasn't a talking person Chris ass was sensitive as hell. I told him to stop chasing behind that girl but he didn't listen, now look at him, he being a simp. " She mad at me" he said. I groaned. " so what,get off her shit nigga. Ain't you messing with Keri anyways what happened to her?" "Man i don't want her" I shook my head at him. " Man if you this messed up bout her then tell her you want her, ya'll playing round". " I really thnk she like girls, she gave me a fucking thumbs up after checking Keri out, who does least what females do that, she complimented her ass and everything" I cracked up. "Bruh if she gay then you can't do nothing with that, its obvious she trying to steal your girl". I was dying this was hilarious to me " Mrs. STEAL YO GIRL" " fuck you Ty" he yelled at me throwing one of the couch pillows at my head. "Aye stop throwing my shit". " Aye you still coming to Whitney's for dinner right?" " She gone be there?" " I assume so, they besties". He sighed again. " yea I'll be there 8 right?" "yea". " Ok". He left. This is why me and Whitney did our own thing most of the time, those two were dramatic as hell. I went upstairs and started prepping.

Chris POV

I left Tyga's house going to my own, i knew i wouldn't get good advice from him. I shook my head. I really wanted to talk to her tho just wouldn't know where to start, maybe tonight we could finally clear the air. I texted her as i was walking up the stairs to my place telling her we need to talk. She didn't respond i guess she was taking a nap before dinner casue usually she'd respond fast as hell. I went in the house and started to prep for the night. Hopefully by the end of it me and Rayna will be an item.

Rayna POV

I had'nt moved from this spot since i came in. No lights are on I'm just sitting here freaking out. I know i'm in danger. Shit i forgot all about Whitney's stupid dinner thing tonight. I didn't want to go, especially if I could walk out of here and possibly get my ass beat. I knew it was her, she got of jail, and she found me. I knew it. My eyes started to fill with tears,  I couldn't stay here. I quickly ran to my closet grabbing a bunch of clothes  and shoes and dumping them into two duffle bags. I ran for my toothbrush and makeup grabbed my keys and got out of there.  I got to Whitney  house using the key she gave me to let myself in. "Whitney!!! Whitney!" I yelled. She ran out the kitchen like i was on fire. "Bitch what's wrong why you yelling like that??" I just stood there crying not being able to answer my breathing became heavy, almost causing an anxiety attack. Shit i'm gone die, i'm bout to die. " Babe, breathe ok calm down, what the hell happened" Whitney asked leading me to the chair. " Calm down okay..breath" I sat down slowly calming down. She stared at me until i was all the way calm. I was still crying though. "When i came home today there were flowers I looked on the card and nothing was there no name no number nothing.." " Ok" Whitney said obviously confused." I got a text that said hey beautiful i miss you from a number i didn't recognize" She still looked at me like bitch wheettt?? " Whitney its her, its Trayneisha" " the fuck is Trayneisha?" " my ex" " oh...ohhhhh" she said finally catching on. " Shit, what you gone do?" I sniffled "I don't know, can i stay here for a few nights please." " Sweetie you ain't gotta ask to stay here, you know you got it like go upstairs and shower and shit get cute" I gave a weak smile and hugged her, she always did the most but she was the best. I went upstairs an showered changing into some skinnys blue and white verses and a bandeau style crop top, i put my hair in a top knot and laid across Whitney's bed, finally seeing the message from Chris. I would talk to him when he got here. 

Whitney POV

I continued to set up for our dinner, just thinking bout how freaked out Ray was. Shit i was scared for her. I heard the door open knowing it was Ty. " Bae, where you at?" he called. " In the kitchen" I yelled. He came in and i felt arms wrap around my waist. He kissed me on the cheek. " Where yo girl at?" " I need to talk to you about that" I turned around tears filling my eyes. "babe what's wrong?" He asked all concerned rubbing either side of my shoulders. Tears started to fall, "Babe tell me what happened, what did she do" "She ain't do nothing Ty, its--- Our conversation got cut off by a knock on the door. " I'll get it it's probably Chris." I sat down to the table and waited for the both of them. " whats up Whitney" Chris said as he walked in the kitchen. "hey Chris" I said looking up sad eyed. "You okay?" " nah i need to talk to ya'll, it's about Rayna." They both sat down at the table each sitting across from me wide eyed and concerned. " So what's up" Chris said. "She been through a lot of shit you know...she was abused by her dad when she was a kid he used to rape her and shit. She moved to Florida to stay with her Nana and she made her take therapy sessions, she met someone there." " Damn" Tyga said. "Who'd she meet?" Chris asked. " Some bitch named Tray she was aggressive and shit and started abusing her. Chris dropped his head.

Rayna POV

I woke up i guessed i had dosed off upstairs. I heard the door open several times so i figured the guys were here so I made my way downstairs to help with setting the tables and stuff. Half way down the stairs I heard Whitney telling them something. Her voice was low so i walked closer to the kitchen so I could here. Was she talking about me? I chimed in. " That's why she moved here after her Nana died to get away from all that shit, and today when she got home she found flowers on her doorsteps and someone texted her telling her they missed her. She freaked out." Omg i trusted her why would she tell them that. I didn't even know I was crying but i was and i sniffled and that's when they all looked towards the door where i was standing. " How could you, I trusted you Whitney." " Babe i didn't know what to do  I needed to tell them,maybe they can help." " Nobody can help me!" I screamed. I ran upstairs I didn't know where I would go tonight but i knew I couldn't be here either.

Chris POV

I stared at Whitney after Rayna's outburst and she just cried. "I'll go talk to her" I left them at the table and went upstairs. Surprisingly she was in the hall just crying her eyes out. "Ray you okay?" She sniffled wiping her nose with the palm of her hand. I felt so bad for her all i wanted to do was comfort her, tell her it would all be okay, make her feel safe. She slid down the wall she was standing on and i kneeled down beside her. " How come you didn't tell me?" "What do you care, I'm not available enough for yo ass anyways" she spat. " Rayna...I" I couldn't even finish my sentence I didn't know how to finish it. "You what Chris, HUH!!!" I couldn't help it i grabbed her face and smashed my lips into hers.

Rayna POV

What the hell just happened, why did he just kiss me..I was so confused. So confused that i didn't even try to pull away from the kiss. I couldn't even if i tried his lips were so soft against mine.Our tongues intertwined and Chris grabbed me and pulled my closer to him making the kiss deeper. A light moan escaped my lips, shit I didn't mean for that to come out. He pulled away from me. " I Should've told you we're friends.. I just didn't know how to tell you that my dad is a monster he hurt me, my ex was a lesbian by the way she used to beat my ass." He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. "I don't know what you wanna do but I'm with you 100% Ray, and I won't let this bitch or nobody hurt you." I smiled lightly. I didn't say anything after that moment, i just kissed his hands. I went to clean my face and Chris and I went downstairs.

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