chapter 17

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Rayna POV

Its been a few days and all Chris does is mope around. He's not eating, barely sleeping he looks a mess, I don't even know the last time he's showered but he stinks. I try talking to him but he dosen't want to talk all he wants to do is lay in the bed and and hold on to me like i'm the last person on earth. He keeps randomly apologizing, I don't even know what he's apologizing for to be honest. I want to talk to Ty but apparently Chris dosen't want him over here he wants me to himself. I was cleaning up around the house when Chris called me upstairs. He was screaming like he was dying. " Bae! Bae! come here!" i rushed as fast as I could but it was no use I was waddiling all over the place. "Bae!" I got to the room out of breath and aggravated. "Yes bae." I answered trying to be nice but he was really working my nerves. "I didn't know where you were, I was scared, come back to bed." "Babe I gotta clean up this house, and you not showering is not making it better, baby you stink, please take a shower." "Ok if I take a shower will you come to bed so I can hold you please." "Yea, but you gotta shower" " Ok i'll shower" He said reluctantly rolling out of the bed. " Can I have a kiss please?" I smiled. " "Big baby" i told him walking over to kiss him. " I love you so much...and you too lil man" he said kissing my stomach. " Ok, now shower." i told him. He went to the dresser and picked out clean clothes taking them in the bathroom. I snatched the sheets from the bed and went downstairs throwing those in the washer. Thank god he finally let me do this it was such a hassle sleeping on those. I went back upstairs to put on fresh ones then went back down to finish cleaning up that part of the house. I was straightening up the living room when my phone rung. I looked at the id smiling and answered. " well hello stranger." I said. "what's up" he said through the speaker, you sound happy today." " yea finally got Chris to shower" "oh" he said kind of laughing. " yea, you sure you don't know what's wrong with him?" I asked hoping Ty would finally tell me so I could stop worrying. "No." he said through the speaker, "well I just wanted to check on you, he siaid rushing to hang up. I thought nothing of it.

Tyga POV

Whitney was sleeping so I didn't bother waking her up. It's been three days and I haven't heard from Chris really. I don't know what he wants to do with this whole situation. He told Ray she couldn't talk to me he was probably scared that I might rat him out. i was just cooling around the house when I decided to call her. "Well hello stranger" she said through the speaker sounding all kinds of cheerful. " what's up, you sound happy today" I said. ' yea finally got Chris to shower." "Oh" I said kind of laughing. " yea, you sure you don't know what's wrong with him?" she asked. I wish she wouldn't ask me shit like that becasue I know too much and I don't want to be the one to tell her. "No, well I just wanted to check on you". I said rushing to get off the phone. I hope she didn't think anything of it. I put my phone down and just sat there. I gotta a text from Rallo saying he needed us there NOW. Shit i thought, Lord I pray for my nigga.

Chris POV

This shower was feeling so good right now. I let the hot water run over me and just thought about everything that was happeneing. I heard my phone going off and hopped out just in time to check the message from Rallo. He said he needed us NOW in all caps. Shit. I felt my jaws tighten up. I got out the shower finishing up my routine and got dressed. Ray was downstairs she made me breakfast, waffles sausage and eggs i wanted to eat so bad but my stomach was in knots. I didn't want to cry in front of her, not anymore at least. "you going to meet Rallo?" She asked passing me a plate. I was daydreaming so i didn't answer, "bae?" "huh?" I answered. You going to meet Rallo, you wearing black." I shook my head yea,and picked at the food thinking that i may as well be dressed for my fucking funeral. I sighed loudly. Ray reached over placing her hand over mine,"whatever it is, i love you, I'm not leaving you." I kissed her hand lightly, damn i love this girl. I looked up at her, "if i don't make--i cut myself off. "i love you, give me a kiss". She leaned over and i wrapped my arms around her kissing her one last time. Then i touched her stomach telling Lil X i loved him. She walked me to the door and i clung to her knowing i wouldn't be coming back. I caked Tyga.

Whitney POV

I was headed downstairs when i heard Ty on the phone talking so i turned around going neck to bed. I don't know why i was feeling like this but i didn't want to see him at all today. I.climbed back in bed hoping he'd leave soon. A few minutes passed and i heard him walk into the room. He was on three phone. "bruh you not dying,no Chris bruh Rallo don't know its you man ok calm down, nigga all Those other niggas hit that, just calm.down, I'll meet you there..ok." I heard him say. Whoa, Chris was really fucking up. I focused on pretending to be sleep until Ty left. After he left, i showered and got dressed, i needed to pay my best friend a visit.

***** just a filler to move you guys to the next chapter. About that night will be ending soon but there will be a sequel, so you guys can meet the kids, also the sequel will focus more on Tyga and his life.

Sorry for so many mistakes, but I'm editing at work on my phone, also these next few chapters are about to be filled with drama...all I'm gonna say is somebody if not gonna make it to the sequel!!!


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