Chapter 2

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Goldenkit's POV

After Snowkit and I's play-fighting session, I had grabbed a scrawny mouse from the fresh-kill pile and dragged it over to the nursery for us to play with. But Lilypetal made us get rid of it when it got dirty.

Now, I was bored, so I decided to walk around the ThunderClan camp with Snowkit.

The camp blew me away every I got to look at it. It was so big! Looking around made me feel like the scrawny mouse that I had just been playing with.

But I certainly didn't let that get to me! I knew that I could handle walking around a camp so big. I'm almost an apprentice! I thought. I could walk from here to the old territory and back all on my own! Thornclaw and Lilypetal probably wouldn't let me do that though...

As Snowkit and I began to pad through camp, side by side, I suddenly paused as I saw cats emerge from the camp entrance.

I watched them, tilting my head to the side in curiosity. "Where've they been?" I wondered out loud.

Snowkit, who had stopped to sit beside me, answered. "That's a border patrol!" She meowed. "They go around ThunderClan territory to see if there are any cats from others Clans who are intruding."

I let out a huff at my sister's answer, feeling very annoyed out of nowhere. I didn't like to admit it, but out of me and Snowkit, I feel like other cats would say that she was definitely the smartest. I couldn't help feeling a small pang of jealousy just now as she confidently answered my question. She could become a warrior right now and know exactly the things she had to do! I realized before snorting. It's probably because she sits around for so long just observing things. How can she sit still for so long?

I then rolled my eyes. I suppose that she's getting something out of it if she knows more about being a warrior than I do...

I tried my hardest to push my envy down as I watched the patrol, as Snowkit had explained to me, walk up to Firestar, the ThunderClan leader.

"Anything to report?" he asked the patrol, leaping down from the tall Highledge.

Brambleclaw, the ThunderClan deputy, stepped forward from the group. "Nothing's wrong..." he answered warily. "But we thought that we maybe scented WindClan close to the border by the stream."

I couldn't help but gasp. WindClan! Were there intruders?

Firestar didn't look surprised. "Were they fresh?"

Brambleclaw exchanged a glance with Cloudtail, who was just behind him. "No... the scent was fairly stale. Should we keep an eye on it?"

Firestar dipped his head. "I'll send out another border patrol before moonhigh tonight so we can put more scent markers down," he murmured. "I am not risking another battle as brutal as the last one."

Snowkit and I exchanged a nervous look as Firestar mentioned the eclipse battle. Lilypetal had told me all about how WindClan had ambushed them in the middle of the night. Onestar had claimed that he'd attacked because he disapproved of Firestar's leadership, and said that he didn't care about his Clan in the way that Onestar did. He had also criticized Firestar for letting in rogues, kittypets and loners often.

It had made me angry when my mother told me that. I may have a mother that used to be a kittypet, but she is an amazing warrior, anyway! I thought proudly.

This battle between WindClan and ThunderClan had eventually turned into a battle between all the Clans. Lilypetal had then explained with her hazel eyes wide that the battle had been cut off when the sun was covered up by a big black hole, as if night had fallen way too early.

I had also snorted in amusement as she'd told me she'd collapsed in exhaustion, because she had pushed herself too much to fight all she could.

I found myself lifting my head up in pride as I thought, when I fight in battle, I'll fight as long as it takes, and never get tired! I pricked my ears up with excitement. I wish I could fight in battles. I wish I could be a warrior!

"Hey, Goldenkit!"

I shook my head quickly as I realized that Snowkit was slowly waving her paw in front of my face.

"Yeah?" I mewed, pulling myself back into my surroundings. I quickly peered past her to see that the border patrol who had been talking to Firestar had dispersed.

"Do you want to maybe pay a visit to Mousefur, Longtail and Purdy?" My sister asked, tilting her head. "Maybe they'll be in a good enough mood to answer your endless questions!"

I rolled my eyes, lightly pawing Snowkit's shoulder. "Or in a good enough mood to be able to handle that annoying captivating stare you give them whenever they are telling a story."

"Great StarClan," Snowkit muttered, following me as I began to trot over to the elders den. "But really though, you ask so many questions, I'd be shocked if you couldn't tell me the story of origins of all of the Clans and then up until now without missing a detail!"

My ears pricked at Snowkit's words. "Really? But what about you?" I asked Snowkit bitterly. "You're so smart!"

Snowkit paused for a moment, her head whipping around so that she could meet my gaze. "Don't be silly, Goldenkit!" Snowkit insisted. "I do watch what happens in the Clan all of the time, but that's not the only way a kit learns!"

As the two of us began to pad on, Snowkit went on. "How can you go on about me being smart when you're so outgoing? I could never go up and just ask a cat here about something I was curious about. Too scary for me!"

I let out a sigh as I realized that Snowkit's praise truly made me feel better. Lilypetal has pointed out to us so many times how different Snowkit and I are, I thought. We both have our different strengths, but that makes us who we are!

I lifted my head up with pride once again. Who cares if Snowkit knows some fast facts that I don't? I asked myself. I'm going to be an awesome warrior no matter what!

Snowkit and I exchanged a warm glance as we continued to walk. We are really, really different, I began to conclude. But that's one reason why we get along so well!

A wave of affection flowing through me, I briefly nuzzled my sister's neck fur with my muzzle. I can't wait for us to be apprentices beside each other, and then warriors! I realized excitedly. Things are so great when we can do them together!

Warriors #2: Warrior RisingWhere stories live. Discover now