Chapter 18

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Lilypetal's POV

I was filled with a mix of relief, apprehension and anxiety as I began shouldering my way through cats, looking for Squirrelflight with Brambleclaw still right behind me.

At this point, the Gathering was definitely over, but after what had just happened, many cats were too shaken to even move from their spots, standing around and gossiping with their Clanmates.

Among the crowd, Squirrelflight's dark ginger pelt was easy to spot. Once my gaze had landed on her, I paused and looked back at Brambleclaw once again, he looked wary, but his eyes glowed with certainty.

He wants to forgive her, I can tell, I thought. I mean, he still loves Squirrelflight.

We both padded up to Squirrelflight to find her slightly secluded from the rest of the gathered cats, pacing back and forth with her head down to the ground.

I stared at her sympathetically as I settled down. I can't even imagine all of the things that must be running through her head right now...

I looked back once again, and saw that Brambleclaw was still right on my tail. He sat down beside me, watching Squirrelflight as she traveled from side to side. It was then that I realized that Squirrelflight hadn't even noticed we were there yet.

Just as I had been about to open my mouth to get the she-cat's attention, Squirrelflight's head whipped over to where Brambleclaw and I were sitting, her eyes widening as she stopped in her tracks. She looked bewildered at the fact that Brambleclaw was beside me.

"B-Brambleclaw?" She whispered, padding up to us, her eyes filled with shame. "What is it? What more could you possibly want to do with me?"

I turned to Brambleclaw as I heard him sigh, and saw that he was forcing himself to meet Squirrelflight's gaze. I stayed silent, and even backed away a few pawsteps, knowing that this was a conversation that could only progress and be accomplished with the two of them.

"If you're coming over here to give me a hard time, don't waste your breath," Squirrelflight hissed when Brambleclaw hesitated. "I've lost enough already. I can't take any more."

I flicked my ears as Brambleclaw stood up. "Listen, Squirrelflight," the dark tabby tom meowed, his voice clear, "I am hurt. Really hurt. You must understand that I can't help but feel betrayed by what you did-"

"I know this already!" Squirrelflight growled, turning away from Brambleclaw's gaze. "I don't need to hear it again."

"I'm not finished," Brambleclaw meowed, veering around Squirrelflight so that he could face her again. "I... I really wish that you had told me about this moons ago, but..."

Squirrelflight lifted her head from where it had been lowered, flicking her ears. "But... what?" She murmured, her tail beginning to twitch.

"But I understand your reasons," Brambleclaw meowed more softly. He hesitated a few more moments before whispering, "I just... I just need some time to adjust to this. You can understand that, right?"

I couldn't help but let out a small purr as I watched Squirrelflight sigh with relief. "It's what I deserve," she murmured, shaking her head slowly. "Take all of the time you need, Brambleclaw." She then looked as if she was holding back a whimper. "I'm so sorry."

I continued to purr as Brambleclaw touched his nose to Squirrelflight's before turning away from her to join where ThunderClan was beginning to gather. As he passed me, he met my gaze and put the tip of his tail on my shoulder briefly. I turned my head and watched him walk away for a few heartbeats, then turning to pad back to Squirrelflight.

Squirrelflight was watching me as I approached her, her eyes wide. I couldn't help but purr at her bewildered glance.

"I don't know what you said to him," Squirrelflight murmured once I had settled in front of her, "But thank you, Lilypetal."

I shrugged, touching Squirrelflight's nose to mine. "I just told him the truth," I meowed. "You did what you had to do, and I made sure that he knew that."

Squirrelflight nodded, her gaze welling up with ease. "Thank you," she breathed. "Really. Leafpool and I-"

My ears pricked up at Squirrelflight's words. "Leafpool!" I blurted out. "Where is she?" I recalled that she had left right in front of every cat's eyes during the Gathering, but where in StarClan's name could she be now?

I could barely hear Squirrelflight's response, my ears roaring as I began to scan the clearing. And Hollyleaf! I thought to myself as I realized that the fluffy black she-cat had disappeared as well. I suddenly was overwhelmed with anxiety all over again, knowing that everything that Hollyleaf had done tonight had been driven by anger - being lied to and manipulated over and over for her whole life. I would be shocked if this announcement at the Gathering was her only course of action.

I nearly flinched as a tail tip placed itself on my shoulder, and I whipped my head back around to meet Squirrelflight's gaze. "Lilypetal, it's alright," Squirrelflight meowed softly. "I'm sure Leafpool just went out to clear her head, and she'll return to camp once she's ready."

I shook my head as Squirrelflight was speaking. "Sure, but what about Hollyleaf?" I responded. "If she had thought her motives were fulfilled, she would have stayed right here, wouldn't she?"

I watched Squirrelflight's eyes widen as the two of us began to pad over to join ThunderClan, who was finally gathering together to leave the island. Many cats were still murmuring to each other out of the shock of the situation. I could just barely see Firestar at the front as he began to lead his Clan to camp. He seemed very preoccupied and deep in thought. Well, he did just find out that his daughters have been hiding this secret for so long now, I thought. It's crazy, on our way here the two of us were talking about adders...

Squirrelflight interrupted my thoughts, going back to the accusation I had made. "You... you could be right..." Squirrelflight muttered, the fear filling up in her green eyes all over again.

I raised my eyebrows as Squirrelflight then gasped and lashed her tail, as if some other thought had occurred in her mind. I tried to keep up with her as she suddenly quickened her pace.

"Come on, Lilypetal," she meowed sharply once ThunderClan had arrived in their own territory. "Let's go find Leafpool, and make sure she's safe."

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