Chapter 5

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Goldenkit's POV

"Wow, Lilypetal and Thornclaw haven't been back for a long time," Snowkit mewed. She was standing at the nursery entrance, staring up at the stars.

I barely heard her, as I was playing a game of mossball with Ivykit and Dovekit.

"What was that?" I asked Snowkit after tossing the mossball over to Ivypaw.

Snowkit groaned and padded over to me. "I said mother and father haven't come back in a long time," she repeated, sounding annoyed. "I'm surprised you aren't worried yourself!"

I flicked my ears. She was right. Lilypetal and Thornclaw had told us they were leaving camp at around dusk, and now it was approaching nighttime and they still weren't back. "Yeah...," I murmured, nodding to Snowkit in agreement. I wonder where they even went? Why have they had to be gone this long?

I decided to walk over to Millie, who was the first older cat that caught my sight. Maybe Lilypetal or Thornclaw told one of the older cats where they were going!

I lightly touched Millie's silver tabby flank with my paw. "When are Lilypetal and Thornclaw coming back?" I asked her.

I realized too late that Millie had been trying to sleep.

She shot up her head quickly. Her eyes were heavy, but blazing. "How am I supposed to know? Stop badgering me and leave me alone!" She hissed before putting her head back down irritably.

I sniffed and flattened my ears. Well, that definitely didn't make me feel any better about things...

I sat where I was for a few heartbeats, feeling dejected, when suddenly I felt a soft tail run itself down my flank, and I looked up to see Whitewing, her soft blue gaze looking down at me.

"Millie is just tired, Goldenkit. She didn't mean that at all," she assured me, touching her nose to my ear. "And don't worry, I'm sure that your parents will be back soon."

I couldn't help but let out a purr at the queen's kind words. "Thanks, Whitewing," I mewed, briefly nuzzling my head along her flank before the white she-cat padded back over to watch her two daughters.

I sighed as I watched her go, my sadness not going away just yet. The calmness of her meow made me miss Lilypetal, along with her kind voice and her sweet scent. She had been such an amazing mother to Snowkit and me. She was so gentle, she told us great stories, and she usually let us play when we wanted to. So, I was so confused as to why she suddenly just had to leave, not being able to give us an explanation.

I tried to push down waves of emotion as I walked back to my nest. Lilypetal, where are you?

Almost immediately after I settled myself in, Snowkit came over and sat beside me.

"Are you alright?" My sister asked, her blue eyes shining as they reflected against the moonlight outside.

I closed my eyes, fighting back emotion once again. "I miss Lilypetal!" I whimpered. "Why is she suddenly so busy?"

Snowkit sighed as she pressed her flank against mine. "Thornclaw and Lilypetal did tell us that they'd be leaving for a little while," she reminded me. "They'll probably be home soon!"

But what about now? I want Lilypetal and Thornclaw home now!

I took a deep breath, opened my eyes and lifted up my head, trying to be assured by my sister's words. "I guess you're right," I murmured, nudging Snowkit on the shoulder lightly. "Thanks."

"Sure!" Snowkit purred. I then watched my sister as she returned to her spot in front of the nursery entrance, sitting down as she began to look back up at the stars. I let out a quiet humph, wondering what I could do with myself while I waited for my parents to return home.

Maybe I'll try and go to sleep, and while Snowkit is looking outside, she'll be able to wake me up if she sees Thornclaw or Lilypetal! I told myself as I lied down in my nest and tried to get comfortable.

But, almost immediately after I had closed my eyes, they shot back open again as an idea popped in my head.

I stood up quickly and padded up to the nursery entrance where Snowkit was. I tapped her on the shoulder with my tail.

She let out a small squeak, startled, before turning around to face me with her eyes wide.

"Great StarClan, Goldenkit. You scared me out of my fur!" My sister exclaimed. "Was that necessary?"

I narrowed my eyes, a smirk emerging on my face. "Yes, it was," I whispered before beckoning Snowkit with my tail to follow me to the corner of the nursery where I knew that no cat could hear.

"What now?" Snowkit whispered, rolling her eyes.

Hey, be a little meaner, why don't you? I thought. As notorious Snowkit was for being gentle and kind, I knew very well by now that sometimes my shenanigans brought her to her worst.

But this time, I knew that I was on to something!

I kneaded my paws into the ground excitedly. "Let's go on an adventure and find mother and father!"

Snowkit's eyes widened and she flicked her ears. I let out a mrrow of laughter as she began to back away slowly, shaking her head. "Goldenkit, are you mouse-brained? Kits aren't allowed to leave camp. We could get in big trouble!"

I shook my head. Snowkit just had to do this with me. "No cat will find out!" I insisted. "Besides, wouldn't we be heroes if we found them? We would be the best warriors ever!" I lifted up my chest.

"Do cats become warriors by breaking the rules?" Snowkit hissed quietly. "Certainly not, the last time that I checked!"

"Snowkit, come on!" I continued to urge as I jumped up and down. "What could Lilypetal and Thornclaw possibly have to say against us if we find them?"

"Hm..." I rolled my eyes as Snowkit pretended to ponder. "Possibly, 'you two are kits and aren't allowed to leave camp'?"

I let out an annoyed groan. Why was Snowkit being so difficult? Couldn't she understand how far ahead that doing something like this would get the two of us?

I mean, doing heroic things is what makes warriors... well, warriors! I knew that if Snowkit and I escaped the camp and found our parents that had been missing, even Firestar would only have nice things to say!

"But what if our parents were in danger?" I questioned Snowkit. "Wouldn't you escape the camp to find them then?"

I narrowed my eyes as I saw Snowkit hesitate. "I mean," she stammered, "I... I guess I would."

Yes! Yes! "So, what if mother and father were in danger right now?" I asked my sister, trying to ignore my own worries. They really could be in danger! I realized. We definitely have to do this!

I burst past Snowkit, wrapping my tail quickly around hers and tugging her out of the nursery, making sure that no cat had seen us leave.

Still pulling Snowkit with my own tail, I swerved behind the nursery, not risking the run through the camp clearing where cats could catch us.

I let out a yelp as Snowkit then yanked her tail away from mine. "Forget biting Thornclaw's tail off, I'd want to get rid of yours."

"Snowkit!" I continued to encourage. "We're already out of the nursery! Let's go find them!"

Snowkit's blue eyes filled with wariness. "But we should maybe tell Firestar first, shouldn't we?" She asked, glancing back at the Highledge where the Clan leader slept.

"He'd never let us do this!" I retorted.

"Hm, that says something, doesn't it?"

"Come on! Please!"

I flicked my ears in satisfaction as Snowkit finally groaned, looking as if she had given up. "Fine!" She seceded, rolling her eyes. "But we had better not get into trouble!"

"Yes!" I squealed. "You won't regret this!"

"We'll see about that."

Snowkit following cautiously behind me, I took one last look back at the camp before running into the forest through the dirtplace trail.

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