Chapter 27

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Goldenpaw's POV

The travel back to camp with the rescue patrol felt like it took moons. I had had to travel somewhat slowly through the forest, my legs hurting as if I had just run around the lake several times over. But, I had walked the whole way, side by side with Snowpaw, as my heart seemed to grow and warm up with each pawstep. Yes, I was bone-tired, but in a way, I felt happier than I ever had before. It was kind of like that exhausted-tired that you feel when you fight for something you want, and after lots of strife, you finally get it.

My head was held high when our patrol arrived into ThunderClan camp. I was surprised to see that many cats were still awake, clearly awaiting our arrival. Once Hollyleaf and I were in sight, ripples of yowls and gasps spread throughout the clearing. As tired as I am, I thought, a pleasant welcome is very nice!

I exchanged an amused glance with Hollyleaf as all of the kits immediately burst out of the crowd to stand in front of our patrol, beginning to pester us with questions.

"Were you scared?"

"What were the tunnels like?"

"Did you almost die?"

The answers I gave were brief, firstly because I tried to answer every question that I could, and secondly because I was just that tired, and even speaking felt like work.

After the excitement of our arrival had died down, the cats of ThunderClan had begun to spread out - Brambleclaw sending out the dawn patrol, cats discussing the events of the past day, and some going to their dens to sleep - which was what I had decided to do.

After saying goodnight, well... good morning rather to Lilypetal and Thornclaw, I had padded over to meet Snowpaw, who was waiting for me by the medicine den.

I had let out a huff as I walked up to meet her. "So..." I breathed, sitting down, deciding to address the situation that had gone unspoken on our way back to camp. "You're finally the medicine cat apprentice, huh?"

Snowpaw had stared back at me solemnly, her head nodding slowly. "Yes, I am," she meowed, her eyes already lighting up as she gave me her answer. She then looked wary, hesitating before saying her next words. "Listen, Goldenpaw, I'm sorry-"

I lifted my tail up, signaling for Snowpaw to stop speaking. "There's no need to be sorry," I murmured, touching my nose to my sister's. "I'll be fine. I'm happy that you're happy."

Snowpaw's ears flicked as her eyes widened. I narrowed my eyes as I saw this. She is actually surprised that she has my approval... I thought sadly. I've made her feel terribly about this for moons just because I was selfish. I should have tried to integrate Thornclaw's words in more ways than just saving my Clanmates...

"Really?" Snowpaw had questioned, interrupting my thoughts.

I gave the white she-cat a sharp nod as I looked back at her warmly. "Yes," I whispered, twinning my tail with my sister's. "But that doesn't mean I won't miss you having me at my side all of the time, and that I necessarily like that this is happening..."

Snowpaw nodded slowly, her pale blue eyes thoughtful. "I understand, Goldenpaw," Snowpaw purred. "Thank you."

I had then let out a sigh of relief, realizing that conflict that had been jabbing at me since Snowpaw first looked at the medicine den, had now been resolved. We are taking two completely different paths, but that is okay, I told myself as I finally gave Snowpaw a farewell flick of my tail and crawling into the apprentices den, the sun already in sight as dawn began to vanish.

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