Chapter 21

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Lilypetal's POV

I took a glance around the ThunderClan camp before following Squirrelflight and Leafpool behind some bushes, making sure that no cat would see where we were going.

Luckily, no cat in this camp so far knows what has happened, I realized. They wouldn't be suspicious of the three of us slinking away to talk... yet.

As I settled down next to Leafpool and Squirrelflight, I couldn't help but let out a relieved huff. Squirrelflight and I had luckily been able to hunt down Leafpool almost immediately, finding her in the ThunderClan camp by herself, and in one piece. I had to admit, even though I had never seen Hollyleaf even hurt a fly, hunting prey aside, I was nervous of what she would do with her feelings of hurt and betrayal when it came to Leafpool.

"Leafpool, I am so sorry," I meowed softly, this being the first time I had been able to talk to the former medicine cat since the Gathering. "This is awful. I can't even imagine-" I then shook my head quickly, cutting off my own words. As much as Leafpool has been through tonight, I don't think even sympathy will help her.

I backtracked on my words, meowing, "I-I wish there was something I could've done this time. You didn't deserve to be exposed like that."

"This time?" Leafpool repeated. I then watched as Leafpool moved her gaze over to her sister, her eyes narrowed. "Why do I have a feeling that Lilypetal knew what was going on before this Gathering?"

Squirrelflight met Leafpool's gaze and kept it. "Because she did," Squirrelflight explained, quickly exchanging a nervous glance with me.

"You told her?" The former medicine cat meowed sharply, her voice a mix of anger and shock. "But... how-"

"The only thing that I told Lilypetal was who Hollyleaf's, Jayfeather's and Lionblaze's real parents were," Squirrelflight insisted. "She knew everything else long before that."

I knew that Leafpool was about to question us again, so I immediately cut in. "I..." I then hesitated, being brought back to the night that had changed not only mine, but so many cats' lives. "I was there when Ashfur trapped your kits in the fire, and Squirrelflight told him that Lionblaze, Jayfeather and Hollyleaf weren't her kits." I then nodded to Squirrelflight. "Squirrelflight is right, she just gave me some more information after she found out that I knew, but otherwise, it was all on my own."

I then watched as Leafpool's amber eyes slowly widened. "Wait a moment..." she murmured. "So that's why you attacked Ashfur at that Gathering with Squirrelflight! You knew everything all along, and knew that Ashfur did as well."

"So I had to stop him," I finished for Leafpool before settling down next to her. "But that's not what matters right now. I am so sorry that that secret had to be revealed in the way that it was..." I then alternated my glance from Squirrelflight to Leafpool a few times. "And I will help you two to my last breath."

"So... what do we do?" Squirrelflight asked helplessly, settling down on Leafpool's other side.

I briefly touched my nose to Leafpool's ear as she let out a whimper. "What can we do?" She meowed. "The secret is out. The deed is done."

I sighed at Leafpool's words as I realized that she was right. Because of Hollyleaf's actions, Squirrelflight and Leafpool had lost the trust of many cats, and Leafpool had lost her medicine cat position. Unless we were to tell the Clans that everything that was said was a lie, I thought, which would be a terrible thing to do, then Leafpool and Squirrelflight are stuck like this, aren't they?

I shook my head as I looked to the ground, showing my own defeat. "I am so, so sorry," I repeated before taking a deep breath, trying to be more optimistic. I looked over at Squirrelflight and Leafpool and nodded to them, trying to force a happier look. "Just know that I am sure that this will all blow over soon, and I hope that you both know that you two always have a friend in this Clan." Unfortunately, at this point, that is all I can say to them.

My heart warmed a little as I noticed Leafpool's eyes glowing with gratitude. "Thank you, Lilypetal," she meowed softly. "You've always been-"

Leafpool's words were then cut off when suddenly a sneeze carried its way to where the three of us were sitting. I whipped my head around as I then heard the bushes nearby rustle, followed by the sounds of light pawsteps getting quieter and quieter as a cat began to run away.

I snorted and rolled my eyes as I padded up to the bushes to catch a scent that I would know more than any other cat. I then turned away from the bushes, giving Squirrelflight and Leafpool a half-annoyed, half-amused look as I shook my head.

"Goldenpaw, get your tail back here, right now!" I called out. "I know you were there!"

I then sat down, waiting as I heard the same light pawsteps suddenly get louder again. And after a few heartbeats, Goldenpaw's ginger head popped out of the bushes. Her eyes were wide with fear and apprehension.

I narrowed my eyes at my daughter, my tail twitching irritably. "Were you eavesdropping?" I demanded, even though I was almost sure that I already knew the answer.

Now, Goldenpaw was a wonderful she-cat with several likeable qualities, and I thought that she took after both Thornclaw and me in many ways. She had the spirit and determination I had had as an apprentice, and she had Thornclaw's obstinacy and dedication. But... I'm sure that Thornclaw would agree that Goldenpaw carried over my curiosity, the kind of curiosity that sometimes brings her a bit too far into other cats' business.

Sure enough, Goldenpaw then dipped her head, looking shamed. "Yes, I was," she admitted. I couldn't help but purr with amusement as she then began to pace, her eyes scanning over Leafpool, Squirrelflight and I. "But... I just have to know what has been going on!"

"Wait a moment..." Leafpool murmured, glancing at me and then at Goldenpaw with narrowed eyes. "Can I probably assume then that you actually did hear everything that was said in the medicine den?"

I reflected Leafpool's same gaze as I looked back at Goldenpaw. She really does try to poke her nose into everything, doesn't she? I thought. Hopefully she'll grow out of it!

"Yes, Leafpool. I did," Goldenpaw meowed hesitantly. "I'm sorry that I lied... I just... I didn't want to upset you more by telling you that I had listened and..." The golden apprentice then trailed off, probably realizing that there wasn't much she could say to justify what she had done.

"Well, then she knows just about everything already, doesn't she?" Squirrelflight murmured, gazing almost... admirably at Goldenpaw. "There's not much more for you to find out about, Goldenpaw!"

"But I'm still so confused!" My daughter exclaimed, shaking her head. "I mean, I wasn't at the Gathering. What happened?"

I then hissed at Goldenpaw, and when she met my gaze I lightly nodded to Squirrelflight and Leafpool, giving my daughter a warning look. As much as you want to know the truth, don't make these two more uncomfortable than they already are by making them relive it out loud! But, as much as I disagreed with Goldenpaw's nosiness in this situation, I understood how she felt. Apprentices, especially Goldenpaw, always seemed to curious about what was going on around camp, at Gatherings and the like. Goldenpaw wanted to do everything in her power to be an influence to her fellow Clanmates, and help them when they needed it, even if she didn't always go about it in the right way.

Even with my warning to Goldenpaw, I was surprised to glance over and see Squirrelflight giving me a sort of... "should we tell her?" look.

I just shrugged to the dark ginger she-cat. "I shouldn't have a say," I pointed out to Squirrelflight. "It's completely up to you if you want to tell her."

"Well, it's not like it's much of a secret anymore," Leafpool commented, letting out a sigh as she nodded to Goldenpaw. "She'd find out soon enough."

Goldenpaw's eyes then flashed with excitement. "Oh my StarClan, really?" She questioned, practically at a squeal. She then stopped, taking a deep breath as she sat down. "I'm ready to hear it if you are ready to tell me," she meowed more calmly.

Leafpool, Squirrelflight and I exchanged an amused glance for just a heartbeat before Squirrelflight decided to speak.

"So," Squirrelflight began. "Here's the story..."

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